24. Shopping (for fun)

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Setting: nyc, married, working

"Honey don't you think we have enough?" Blaine asks his husband but the man only shakes his head "Never. There's no such thing as enough when it comes to shopping clothes. Besides you're no different when we pass the sweets in the grocery store".

"You wanted one suit for the upcoming fashion show. I know it's important to you because Vogue sends you exclusively but we have four bags by now and walk around since five hours or so" the curly haired man complains. "Only? Wait! How do you like this shirt for me? Maybe I could wear it to the interview next week" Kurt asks, looking at a deep red shirt that would go perfectly with black pants and shoes to look elegant and yet simple.

"I'm pretty sure you look awesome with that. Try it on and I'll wait" Blaine says and earns a kiss from the other man "you're the best. Thank you". "Only because I love you so much" Blaine says and Kurt answers "I love you too" before closing the curtain to change.

Only moments later he comes out again "Not right for an interview but I'll keep it for our next date on Tuesday". "If you wear that to our date you can be sure that I'll rip it off you as soon as we get home" Blaine answers and laughs when his husband says "But don't you dare to destroy it in any way!". "I'll be careful I promise" Blaine says and gives Kurt a little kiss.

"Are we done now?" The curly haired man asks but again Kurt shakes his head "I saw this polo shirt earlier. Royal blue. You could wear it when you teach classes and outside of work since it's simple but it would still look good on you. And then I'll buy you a new bow tie to make up for that long shopping trip to you". "Make it two bow ties and I'm in" Blaine says.

Kurt smiles, kisses his husband and says "Whatever you want baby" before leading Blaine to the polo shirt he saw for him.

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