9. Nursing The Sick One

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Setting: nyc, engaged, college

Kurt didn't felt well today at school. Actually he doesn't feel well since about yesterday but soon he has his dance exam at NYADA and he still needs practice to pass. But today it got worse. He feels cold, he shivers, he's sweating. He actually feeks kinda dizzy and weak but that could be the exhaustion in combination with the cold. It's just a cold.

"Ms July may I be excused? I'm not feeling well" Kurt tells her before leaving the class. He doesn't bother to change and instead just takes his bag and leaves. He just needs to take the subway. Or maybe a cab would be more safe. And then? He sits down on a bench, feeling like his legs could fail him any moment now. Then he knows what to do.

"Blaine?" the chestnut haired man asks when his fiancé picks up the phone. "Hey honey. Don't you have class at the moment?" the other man asks. He frowns worried when Kurt tells "I'm not feeling well. You were right yesterday, I'm getting sick". "Are you home?" Blaine asks, leaving his next last class for the day in time for the break. He'll text one of the people in his class to excuse him for his last class today.

"No. I'm still at NYADA. I'm outside, sitting on a bench. I don't think I can stand for long" Kurt explains, closing his eyes for a moment and focussing on Blaines voice. "Kurt please go inside so you don't get even more sick, I'm coming to pick you up and we go home together" Blaine says and even tho Kurt wants to protest, Hummels never get sick, he just has no energy left. Also he was the one calling Blaine so he just mumbles "Okay" and slowly stands up again to go inside.

A while later Blaine enters the massive NYADA building, spotting Kurt amost immediatly. He sits on a bench, eyes slightly unfocussed and body shivering in his dance clothes and a light jacket that's way too cold for mid fall. No wonder he's got sick.

"Kurt" Blaine calls to get his attention "Hey Sweetheart". "Hey" Kurt mumbles and smiles tiredly. Can't he just stay here? Walking seems exhausting. But on the other side laying in bed would be nice. The younger man pulls him up on his feet, supporting him with walking out. "I called us a cab" Blaine tells, leaving the building with the sick man by his side.

Once at home Blaine helps Kurt out of his shoes, luckily he aleady wears comfortable clothes as dance clothes, before laying him down in bed. "Thank you. I love you" Kurt mumbles before drifting off to sleep. Blaine smiles at his future husband, kissing his hot forehead. Yep. Kurt has definitly a fever and not just a cold.

The curly haired man leaves the bedroom and goes to the kitchen to make Kurt some tea for when he's awake again. With a thermos jug and a box of tissues he returns to the bedroom. He puts both down on the side table together with a note

"I'll get you some stuff to get better. Be right back. Rest a bit more. Love you -B"

He lets Kurt sleep, puts on shes and jacket and leaves again with wallet and keys. First he goes to the pharmacy to buy some medicine for the sick man. Then he goes to the grocery store to buy new tea and ingrediance for a soup to help Kutr get better. He also buys some guilty pleasure feel good food for Kurt so he fast gets back up on his feet again.

Just as he comes home again and packs the stuff away. Kurt wakes up. Step for step he comes to the kitchen "Hey". "Hey. Slept good?" Blaine asks, putting the last groceries away. "Mhm" Kurt answers "Thanks for the tea and the tissues". "Of course. Also here" the curly haired man takes the small brown back and hands it to Kurt "I went to the pharmacy to get you some medicine".

"Great" Kurt smiles "Feel hugged and kissed". "Okay. We'll do that when you're healthy again" Blaine answers. "Now how about we sit down on the couch and watch some movies while I do some homework. After that I cool us something" the curly haired man proposes and his boyfriend agrees smiling.

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