18. Hugs

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Setting: lima, engaged, high school/college

Kurt originally didn't plan to come this weekend. Planned was in two weeks. But when Sam called him Thursday at lunch and told him that Blaine isn't feeling well Kurt jumped in action.

Yesterday when he and Blaine face timed Blaine told him about the fight he had with his parents but kept saying that it's okay but Kurt knows it's not. He just wished he could've done more than jsut being on the phone and listen.

But Blaine came late to class and was quiet when Sam said something about Blaine looking tired and having red eyes Kut packed his stuff, told Rachel that ahse should tell thge teachers he's sick and left.

He and Sam agreed that Sam will take Blaine home with him and Kurt comes straight to Sam. Finn picks Kurt up and does something with Sam while Kurt is with Blaine so they don't stand in the way of the two. It's better for Blaine.

Kurt knows it's bad but he only realizes how bad it is when he arrives at Sams and his friend says "He's up in my room. No appetite for a quick snack. But if you want feel free to go in the kitchen and grab a sandwich". "Thanks Sam. I'll take one later. Did he at least ate lunch?" Kurt asks.

He knows that Bainesparents are able to have him losing his appetite and usually Blaine loves food. But he isn't surprised when Sam shakes his head. "Okay. Thanks and have a good time with Finn" he waves his friend and his brother and goes up to Sams room.

When he hears the front door close he realizes how silent it is. Sams parents are still at work and Sams siblings who usually would be back from school already are on a school trip over the day and Sam and Finn are going to pick them up now. They are alone and it's probably for the best.

Carefully Kurt opens the door to see Blaine sitting on the bed, head bowed, not moving an inch and starring on his empty hands. He didn't noticed Kurt yet and is probably somewhere else with his mind. The chestnut haired boy fully enters the room and closes the door siletly behind him.

"Blaine" he says soft and worried.It's one word. It's just his name. But it's enough. Blaines head snaps up at the sound of Kurts voice and the rest of his body jumps in action. "Kurt" he breathes and falls in Kurts arms.

Kurt holds him tightly and in his embrace Blaine already feels a little better. He always does when Kurt is with him and holds him.

They stay just like that for a while. A little eternity. Not long enough. But then instead Kurt takes Blaines hand and takes him to the bed. They sit down again and Kurt takes Blaine in his arms again. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't have too. To him Blaine always opens up by himself.

"I hate them" Blaine mumbles "I got a bad grade on my paper and dad got angry. Mom was at work because apparently that's more important than her son. It always is you know. To both of them. And dad got more angry and started to yell and make homophobic comments. Again. He called me a fag. Again".

"He never can shut his mouth. I can't believe it" Kurt answers and tries not to sound angry. He is angry when he hears what Blaine says about his dad and that everytime but getting angry doesn't help Blaie so he always tries to stay calm.

It's a weekday and Blaine came from school so his hair is gelled but still Kurt manages to get through the gel helmet enough to massage Blaines scalp. He's the only one allowed ti do that and mess up his hair. He also know how much it helps Blaine relax sometimes.

He holds Blaine and masages his scalp, Blaines head quickly found Kurts chest to give Kurt better acces to his head. He can hear Kurts heart beat and his breathing and feel how Kurts chest rises and falls with every breath. It's calming. He also hear and feels the vibration when Kurt speaks.

"Everyone's out. We're alone. How about we eat a little something and when Finn and Sam come back we leave?" Kurt proposes but Blaine only answers "No appetite".

"Blaine. Sam told me you didn't even ate lunch. He made sandwiches and I'm starving from the trip here. Come down and eat with me even if it's just a little bit" the older boy tells and Blaine can hear how worried he is so he sighs but nods "Okay".

Blaine knows how much his boyfriend worries when he has no appetite since once he even collapsed. That's why he agrees and one sandwich won't hurt tight? To Blaines dislike they have to stand up to go down but their hands find together quickly.

Down in the kitchen Blaine realizes that he's more hungry than he thought. After one sandwich he eats another and another one. Kurt smiles relievedwhen he sees his boyfriend while eating his second one as well. He didn't ate something since breakfast.

When both finished eating and Finn and Sam come back Kurt and Blaine say goodbye to Sam and his siblings, thanking Sam again and then get in the car with Finn to drive home.

Arrived there Kurt and Blaine go up to Kurts room and stay there, cuddling and talking until dinner is ready. Down in the kitchen Blaines appetite is back and he asks for a second and even a third portion. Carol cooked an amazing dinner as always.

After dinner they go back in Kurts room to cuddle even more on the bed. Kurt hugs Blaine and doesn't let go. Blaines head rests on Kurts chest and his arm is losely wrapped around Kurts stomach.

"Thank you for being here" Blaine mumbles and now feels a little exhausted from the past 24 hours. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay after what you told me yesterday and what Sam told me earlier today" Kurt answers and kisses Blaines forehead.

How long do you stay?" the curly haired boy asks and his boyfriend answers "I'm going back on Sunday. While you're in school tomorrow I'll do some stuff for NYADA so I don't miss too much and we can spend the weekend together".

"Okay. Thank you. I love you" Blaine mumbles and Kurt can tell he's falling asleep. "I love you too" Kurt answers but his boyfriend is already asleep.

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