6. Shopping (for needs)

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Setting: nyc, married, college

"Blaine we still have plenty chocolate bars at home. We don't need the new flavor. Besides we have to watch our money because Vogues money will only be on my account in a few days" Kurt reminds his husband. "Okay but why do you need all the art supplies? The pencils and the paper?" the curly haired man asks skeptical, pointing on the stuff in the cart.

"Because when I want to keep my part time job at Vogue I need supplies to design. Besides, Isabella says that Vogue pays me back and I just have to buy it first so they can send me the exact amount of money.

Now come on. We still need to do homework for our classes tomorrow" the chestnut haired man says and pushes the cart further. He only needs to do a few little things for NYADA still but Blaine still need to write an essay for one of his classes at NYU.

"What would I do without you?" Blaine mumbles, stopping the cart to hug his love from behind. "You'd go under in chaos and chocolate I guess" Kurt giggles, letting Blaine kiss the spot behind his ear that makes him weak. "Thanks for keeping me from dying of an overdose of chocolate darling" the smaller man whispers, hearing Kurt laugh "That's why I married you".

On that Blaine pulls away, the spot behind Kurts ear now feeling cold without Blaines lips there. "I thought you married me because you love me and my chaotic side with aaaaaall your heart" the hazel eyed man says with a teasing smile. Kurt laughs "Yeah that too" before pulling him into a kiss.

"I love you, chaotic or not" Kurt whispers into the kiss. They separate again and Blaine answers "I love you too" the chocolate bars completely out of his mind "Now let's continue because there's something I want to do before doing homework and I think you want too".

"Right. What's next on the list?" the ocean blue eyed man asks as he starts pushing the cart forward again. His husband looks on the shopping list they made at home and reads "We still need to buy the stuff for dinner over the next few days". "Right. Come on" Kurt says and turns left to take a pack of noodles, his husband collecting other stuff meanwhile. At the cart they meet again, clapsing their hands together and pushing the cart together, only separating when they really have to.

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