23. Double Dates

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Setting: nyc, engaged, working

No matter how stressful everything is at work Kurt and Blaine have certain things they do not cancel. Things like date nights and also double dates and times for family and friends.

Especially when everything is so stressful it's good to have some kind of distraction. Fashion week is coming up but nothing stops Kurt from going on a double date with his fiancé and Sam and Mercedes.

He comes home from work Friday in the late afternoon. Blaine is already home and greets him with a "Hey" and a kiss. "Hi. Sorry for being late. Max kept me for some questions he had on an article. Sometimes I wish he would be a little more like me when I started. Less annoying and complicated you know?" the chestnut haired man explains.

"No worries honey. We still got a bit more than two hours before we have to leave to get our table" Blaine comforts and kisses his soon to be husband once again. He takes the folder out of Kurts hands and brings it to the desk. No more work for Kurt today. He deserves a break and weekend.

Kurt spends at least one hour in the bathroom, washing the stress off his body and doing some badly needed skin care while Blaine waits for him and reads his book. He already showered while waiting for Kurt so they just have to get ready now.

In time they arrive in front of the restaurant to go in with their friends and sit down at their table. They put down their stuff and order their drinks before taking a look at the menu. They order the food and catch up on everything while waiting for their dinner to get served.

Once the food is there the friends eat in silence afor a while but start talking again eventually about how Will Schuester wants to do a glee reunion and a lot more other things. They talk all the way through desert until they call for the bill and pay.

"Next month. Already got a date in mind or should we call when you know more about your work schedule?" Mercedes asks when they leave the restaurant again. "I give you a call when I know better whats left to do for me before fashion week so we can set a date" Kurt answers and hugs his friends, Blaine following his example.

As soon as they're home Kurt changes into his pj's and while Blaine changes too the chestnut haired man takes his folder with him to the bed. Maybe he can get a bit more work done before bed. That's until Blaine comes back to the bedroom and sighs "No more work for you tosay Mr Hummel. You did enough and I want to enjoy the evening with my fiancé before we both get too tired and fall asleep". "Fine" the other man sighs and puts his folder aside.

He cuddles closer to the curly haired man and whispers "Hi", pressing a kiss on Blaines lips. "Hey" the man answer, kissing Kurt again and again and again and again.

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