19. Forgetting Something

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Setting: nyc, married, working

It's a very stressful time for Kurt. Soon it's time for fashion week so Kurt is loaded with work. Interviews, photo shootings, trends and articles. When Kurt comes home from work he goes to his desk and continues working.

Evenings with Blaine come short at the moment but he's very grateful for his husband. He makes him something to eat and brings him tea. When Kurt is unsure about something he can alweays ask Blaine for his honest opinion.

When Kurt is done Blaine often already lays in bed. He has classes the next day that still needs to be prepared and his way to work is a little longer than Kurts. Kurt in tht case gets ready for bed, cuddles closer to his husband and falls asleep, exhausted from the day.

Today is no different. Because of an interview Kurt has to leave every early in the morning. He wonders when he finds his favorite breakfast on the table but since he's running out of time he just takes an apple and will buy a coffe on his way.

He runs from one place to another and in the afternoon when he leaves work to go home his feet hurt. Still he carries a folder with him, knowing that he still has to look through some articles to approve them. It's less work than the last days but he still has to go home and sit at his desk. Maybe today he can at least go to bed together with Blaine.

When he comes home Blaine already waits for him. He cooked because the apartment smells amazing when Kurt enters. Blaine himself sits on the couch with a mug of tea and papers spread around him. He's correcting some tests.

As soon as he hears the door close Blaine jumps up to greet his husband. "Hi honey. How was work?" he asks and kisses the other man shortly before he answers "As usual but I still have some work to do. Do you want another tea? I'm making some coffee for me" Kurt answers and takes off his shoes and jacket.

"No I'm good but aren't you forgetting something?" the curl haired man asks but his husband looks at him puzzled. He took home everything he needed, he didn't forgot anything home when he left for work, he was on time to all his appointments. "No?" he answers unsure.

"Today is a very special day" Blaine gives his husband a clue but Kurt still looks confused and mumbles to himself "Not our anniversary, not any other first time we usually celebrate, your birthday is in three months. Not-" he can't finish Blaine says "Kurt it's your birthday today. Your 25th".

The chestnut haired man stops "Oh". "You are in so much stress that you even forgot about your own birthday silly. Now let me help you with whatever you have in this folder and then we have a nice evening with dinner, movie and cuddles" Blaine says and kisses his husband again. He takes the folder out of Kurts hand while telling "I made lasagna. It's already in the oven".

"Thank you. You're my hero" Kurt answers smiling. How could he forget his own birthday? Before Blaine could take the folder to the living room Kurt pulls him back and close and kisses him again "I love you". "I love you too" Blaine answers.

Quickly Kurt and Blaine finished the articles. It's more fun and easier and quicker together. Everything is. Just as they finished the timer for the lasagna goes off so Blaine goes to prepare everything, sending Kurt to finally change in something comfortable so they can cuddle and then fall asleep without needing to change. They can celebrate with their friends after fashion week.

"How come that you didn't realized something from all the birthday wishes you must've gotten?" Blaine asks loud enough so Kurt can hear it in the other room. Kurt answers just as loud "Had my phone turned off so I don't get distracted and I didn't had the time to look on it anyway". He then finally turns his phone on and is floated by a bunch of messagres and missed calls from family, friends and co-workers.

He shrugs and packs it away before leaving the bedroom. He'll look through them before going to bed but now it's time for dinner and he's starving. He enters the kitchen and looks at the table. A candle, two plates, his favorite food, a good red wine and even dessert. On Kurts seat sits a little bag, his present.

Smiling Kurt unpacks it. It's the scarf he saw last time they went shopping but he didn't had the time to buy it so now Blaine did for him. "Thank you my love" he says when Blaine hugs him from behind and kisses his shoulder.

"Happy birthday darling" he says and turns Kurt around in his arms to kiss him properly. They say I love you once more before Kurts stomach protests. They laguh before finally sitting down to eat.

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