7. Exercising

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Setting: lima, engaged, college

They are running through the park since who knows how long. Why did Kurt agreed to do this? "How long? I don't want to run anymore" he whines. His fiancé runs a few steps ahead of him but slows down to be next to him "two more miles darling. We started not that long ago".

"Stupid running" the chestnut haired boy sighs. "You want to go in theatre and musicals and need to sing and dance and if Madame Tibideux says you need a better condition then better listen to her" the curly haired boy reminds him and he's right.

But still "It's summer holidays and we're home. Shouldn't we do something else?" Kurt asks "Something with my family or visiting Mr Schue with the others or something like that?".

He hears Blaine laugh "Yes but it's still early. Burt and Carol are at work, Finn is with Puck and we meet with Mr Schue and the new directions later today. We finish this, then go home and shower and then do something fun".

"Promise?" Kurt asks, slowing down to take a little break and regain some control over his breathing. Blaine slows down with him, both sitting down on a bench for a minute or two. While doing so they hold hands, Blaine whispering encouraging words to motivate Kurt for the last bit before returning home.

Once both aren't that much out of breath anymore they stand up again. "Two more miles. We get this" the curly haired boy says, pressing a kiss on his fiancés lips. Then he starts running again, this time a bit slower so he and Kurt run next to each other in Kurt's pace.

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