20. A Heated Argument

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Setting: nyc, college, engaged

Kurt is out again with his friends of his classes. Mostly boys and Blaine knows for fact that some of them are gay too and very handsome. Sure he and Kurt are engaged but he can't help but feel bad. Maybe even jealous or insecure. Or both.

The chestnut haired boy went out almost immediatly after his last class but said he'd be back around 6 so they can eat dinner together. Blaine did some work for school and then cooked for them. At least he got that time with Kurt.

But now it's almost 7 and Kurt still isn't home. The dinner is cold by now and Blaine pretty angry at his fiancé. It's not like Kurt. This has to be the influence of his so called college friends.

When Kurt finally comes home short after 7 Blaine cleaned the kitchen and is furious. They already stole his afternoon with Kurt and now even part of their evening together.

"Look who finally decided to come home" Blaine says looking at his laptop, working on a paper he has to finish for music history. "Spontaneus game of billard. Sorry. You should come too next time. It as really fun" Kurt says, ignoring Blaines comment.

"I'll pass" the curly haired boy answers. Ow Kurt wonders. Blaine answers shortly, no kisses, a proper hello or anything. The apartment smells delicious but the kitchen looks untouched. "Smells delicious" Kurt compliments but Blaine keeps short "I cooked". "Nice. Where is it?" he chestnut haired man asks.

"In the fridge. It was cold anyway" Blaine says and again doesn't botter to look up. "Are you mad at me?" Kurt asks, standing in the doorway to the living room with an expecting look and his eyebrows raised. "Did you wanted to eat warm dinner?" Blaine asks back. Now he finally looks up and sees how Kurt rolls his eyes "I came late nd I said sorry. Wasn't that enough for you?".

"I don't like your friends. It's not like you to come late" Blaine says and puts his laptop aside "And a hour late is a lot". "So what? You expect me to stop seeing them?" Kurt asks with a slightly raised and annoyed voice. "What if I say yes? I hardly see you anymore. We have less classes together, you're out with your friends and when I look forward to an evening for us ou come one hour late" Blaine answers.

He stands up so he can see eye to eye with Kurt who is stunned for just a moment before he says "I can always go back to them. Clearly you and I can't be in company of each other now. They invited me to the club with them. I could always go back down!". He didn't meant it ad he definitly doesn't want to go but he couldn't stop talking before thinking.

"Well go then! Have a nice evening with your friends!" Blaine fires back. Why did he said the opposite of what he wants? He doesn't want to leave. He just came. Baine is angry. At Kurt. At himself. But his face tells Kurt the truth. It always does.

"What's the matter with you?" Kurt asks calmly and only now Blaine realizes that he's crying. "I miss you okay? Call me jealous but you're always with them and  sit here waiting for you.In front of your friends I feel insecure. They are all extroverts and pretty and partly gay and I just feel that I'm not enough" Blaine tells without being able to stop it.

When he finished it's silent for some time and while Kurt gathers his thoughts Blaine tries to calm down again. "I didn't know that you feel that way. Why didn't you tell me?" Kurt finally asks. "I never got the chance. You were always with your friends" the curly haired boy answers.

He sits down again and his fiancé next to him. Kurt hugs Blaine tightly, breathing with him until Blaine finally calmed down completely again. "I'm sorry for being late. I truly am. And I promise tat we will do more together and I'll pass on my friends more often" Kurt apologizes and kisses his fiancé on the head.

"Now how about I heat up dinner and change and you put that school stuff away, get a comforter and search for something we could watch?" the chestnut haired boy proposes. "Okay" Blaine answers. He puts away hisstuff from school, cuddles under the comforter and searches for a movie he ants to watch, deciding on the news boys.

Not long after Kurt comes back in comfortable clothes ad with two plates. He sits down next to his fiancé and says " I love you and I never want you to feel insecure. Never forget that please". He kisses the other man and then starts the movie so they can watch and eat.

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