27. Pets

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Setting: nyc, married, college

Kurt had a long day and even longer week at NYADA so at home he just wants to cook and eat with his husband, take a quick shower and go to bed.

But at home waits a surprise for him. Well not really for him but something that he didn't expect. He opens the door and sees Blaine kneeling on the floor and next to him a dog. A golden retriever. Not a puppy anymore but also not fully grown.

"Blaine what is this?" the chestnut haired man asks confused. "He came to me after my last class. There's no name tag and it looked like he doesn't belong to someone. He was all alone and I just couldn't leave him alone. Look how cute he is" Blaine tells and looks at his husband with puppy eyes as big as the ones of the dog next to him.

"So now you want to keep him?" Kurt asks but he should've known the answer "Yes please. We can walk him, I will feed him and take him to dog school. I pay for him too. Please?".

Kurt sighs but smiles. He loves it when Blaine gets exited like a little kid. It's cute. "Here's the plan. He stays here tonight. Tomorrow we take him back to where you found him and ask around. We also hang pictures just in case. We ask the police if they know something and we'll take him to the vet.

If he really doesn't belong to someone we can keep him and B of course you don't have to pay alone. We will both take care of him. Okay?" Kurt opposes and instead of answering Blaine jumps up and in Kurts arms, pressing their lips together.

"Now I start cooking and you'll find something for this little man deal?" The taller man asks and the other man nods "Deal".

After dinner the couple cleans the kitchen together and Kurt realizes that the dog is well behaved. "I hop under the shower. Maybe we can watch tv before bed but it was an exhausting week so I probably go to bed soon" Kurt says.

When he comes out of the bathroom, already in his pj's he finds Blaine on the couch. The golden retriever lays on his lap and the tv is on but Blaine looks asleep. It feels natural seeing Blaine and the dog like this.

In that very moment Kurt decides that if the dog belongs to someone he'll get Blaine and him one.

The chestnut haired man sits down next to his husband to watch some tv before he falls asleep. As soon as he sits the dog decides to lay down across their both laps. Smiling Kurt starts petting him.

The next day Kurt and Blaine find out that the dog really doesn't belong to someone and the vet says that he's healthy. That's why the couple decides to keep him and Blaine makes him Felix.

Welcome to the Hummel-Anderson family Felix.

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