11. Coffee and/or Tea

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Setting: lima, boyfriends, high school

"Ugh exams were so stressful" Blaine groans "I missed you". "I know. We weren't out for a coffee since what feels like years" his boyfriend agrees. It's Friday after school and all the exams for now are written so they finally have time to meet.

Before it was just texting a bit when they have time, short calls in the evening because they were both so tired from school and studying. But today they met at Lima Bean, sharing a long kiss followed by a longer hug.

Even now they don't break the physical contact after not being able to have any for quite some time. They held hands while ordering their coffee and now they sit opposite each other on a small table. Their knees are touching under the table and they hold hands on the table, rarely breaking eye contact.

They tell each other about exams, if they have a good feeling about them or not and cheer each other up if they think they didn't do well.

Then they catch up about the school gossip. Blaine tells Kurt the latest news from Dalton and greets him from the Warblers. Then Kurt shares the newest McKinley rumors with him and greets him from the New Directions.

After catching up the couple casually talks about anything and nothing or sometimes doesn't say anything at all. There aren't always words needed between them. They just want to enjoy the time together they now finally have again.

They stay long at Lima Bean, even buyinga second coffee and takign longer than usual for both coffees to finish them because neither of them just wants to leave. But in the early evening the couple decides to finally leave the cafe.

Their cars parked next to each other the couple says goodbye. But luckily not for too long because tomorrow he and Blaine will do something together again and then Blaine is invited for dinner at the Hudson-Hummel house.

After a kiss goodbye both boys get into their cars and drive home. It's been a perfect afternoon for them both.

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