4. Night In

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Setting: nyc, married, working

Today was a long day. A looong day. Things over things he had to do for Vogue in order to get everything done for fashion week in a few days. So instead of having dinner with his husband and going out with their lot after he drowned a coffee or two with Isabelle and worked overtime.

It's past 9 when Kurt finally comes home, throwing shoes, jacket and bag in a corner. The caffeine starts wearing off and Kurt feels tired but he won't go to bed without spending some time with his husband. He needs his daily dose Blaine Devon Anderson Hummel to survive and funktion properly.

"Hey Honey" Blaine calls from the kitchen. He heard a key in the lock and jumped up to put the leftovers from todays dinner in the microwave for him so Kurt can eat something warm now. He probably got lost in his work and hardly ate at all.

"Thank you sweetheart" Kurt says and kisses Blaine as a hello. He followed the voice and the smell to the kitchen, once again grateful that Blaine knows him so well. He's starving.

"I canceled on the lot" the curly haired man tells, getting Kurts food out of the microwave and watches him eat. "But we were so exited to see them again. We're all so busy lately that we hardly get together anymore" Kurt pouts.

His husband just smiles "It's past 9 Kurt and you worked all day. Are you not tired and think it's a good idea?". "Yes I am and no it's not. I wanted to see them again so bad but I'm so exhausted" Kurt sighs. He loves his job but it can be so, so stressful sometimes.

"Okay here's my idea" Blaine says "You finish dinner and I prepare the living room a little. We'll watch a movie and cuddle. We'll see the others after fashion week again and enjoy the time alone today with a relaxing cup of tea". "Sounds good" the chestnut haired boy answers and soon finishes dinner, putting the dishes in the sink.

When he goes to the living room the tv is already on and Netflix opened, Blaine on the couch with a light comforter, two mugs with steaming tea waiting and a candle lit as well. Fast he goes to the bedroom, changing into something comfortable and goes back to his waiting husband.

He sits down next to him, cuddling into his side and takes the mug on his lap. Blaine wraps the comforter around them, starts Mamma Mia and takes his mug as well, his free hand massaging Kurts scalp, messing up his hair as the only one who's allowed to touch it.

Once the tea is empty Kurt sets the mug down on the table, cuddles further into Blaines side, the comforter by now spread over their legs, and falls asleep like that not even half an hour later. "Good night love" Blaine whispers and kisses his husbands hair before he continues watching Mamma Mia and deciding to watch the second one right after that.

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