21. Road Trips

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Setting: lima, boyfriends, high school

Kurt has his drivers license for a while now but to his graduation Burt gave him a car that he worked in for years. It was a project to fix it and now that it is it's Kurts.

Of course Kurt and Blaine want to use that opportunity. On the first weekend after he got the car the couple packs a few things and gets in the car.

They don't exactly know where they want to go but just drive around, taking a left here and a right there. If they are hungry they either find a nice spot to eat or eat in the back of the car. It doesn't matter as long as they're together.

For about one hour or so the couple just drives around and sings along to the songs Blaine plays with his phone connected to the the car. Then they started to play games. Games you usually play on a long trip with kids to keep them in a good mood.

Around lunch time Kurt finds a place to park so they can eat in the back of the car. They had everything prepared. Sandwiches, a salat and Carol backed a cake that she packed for them too as a dessert.

They eat and talk and enjoy their time together. With school and Kurt's graduation coming closer time together came short and soon Kurt will be in New York and Blaine stays in Lima. They have to enjoy every moment together.

Once they are full they are in the front of the car again and continue their road while transforming the car into a karaoke bar.

It's late in the evening when the couple comes back. They park the car and get inside, warming up the dinner. They eat, change and then go to bed, cuddling, watching a movie and falling asleep not even halfway through the movie.

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