17. Kisses

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Setting: lima, boyfriends, college/high school

It's one of those things that became very rare. Kisses. Hugs too and everything that's physical. Being long distant is harder than they expected but they manage.

On holidays and sometimes on weekende Blaine visits Kurt in New York and on Christmas holidays and on weekends where Kurt doesn't has to do something for Nyada he's back in Lima.

Sometimes Kurt feels home sick. A bit more than that he misses his family, Finn, Burt and Carol. But most of all he misses Blaine, his love.

Burt picked him up and they ate lunch before Kurt goes to his room and waits for Blaine to get home from school. They agreed that Blaine comes to the Hummel house immediatly and as soon as he does the boys are glued together.

Blaine runs in Kurts arms, both hold each other tight and stay like that for what feels like an eternity and not too long at the same time.

"Hey" Kurt greets and before Blaine cold answer he already presses his lips on Blaines. He just needs the contact and knows that Blaine does too. But they have time until Sunday evening when Kurt has to go back.

Once out of air the boys part and Blaine greets "Hey" under his breath. "How was school?" Kurt asks, puts Blaines stuff down and takes his hand. "Boring but okay I guess" Blaine answers while his boyfriend leads him to the bed.

They sit down and Kurt starts his laptop. It's like always.He puts on a movie for background sounds but they never watch and instead kiss and make out like young love is allowed to do. Sometimes more soft and sometimes more firecy. It doesn't matter as long as they have physical contact as much as possible with hands wandering everywhere.

Today they are softer with each other. Kurt knows from their phone calls and text messages that even if today was boring Blaine had an exhausting week.

He fought with his parents, got a bad grade on a test and had to hand in a paper late because his printer broke. He ranted to Kurt almost the whole day and when thry hugged Kurt could feel his muscles relax. But only a little.

While the movie plays Blaine lays on the bed, his eyes closed but still awake. For a moment Kurt looks at him. Then he presses a kiss to his forehead and rushes down to the kitchen, quickly prepares some sandwiches and tells Carol that he and Blaine won't eat dinner with them today.

Then he goes up again and cathces Blaine on the phone with his parents "No dad! Mom allowed me to got and I'm back on Sunday evening for dinner. You usually don't care when I stay at Kurt so don't botter to do now". Angrily he hangs up before he looks at Kurt and sighs tiredly.

"My poor baby" Kurt sighs and puts the food down. Then he goes to Blaine and sits down on the edge of the bed. He kisses Blaines forehead "How about we eat sandwiches in bed, cuddle, call it a night and go to bed early? We're both tired".

The curly haired boy nods his head yes and sits up so they can eat properly. Well as good as possible in bed. Once the plate is empty Kurt brings it down.

Back in his room Kurts attention is on his boyfriend. He kisses his forehead, his temple, his nose and finally his lips. He makes sure Blaine kowns how loved he is and how important he is since his parents often fail to do so. For Kurt Blaine is the most precious thing in the world.

They kiss and cuddle until both can hardly keep their eyes open anymore. Kurt turns off the light and pulls Blaine close. The younger boy lays his head on Kurts chest and Kurt and feel how his boyfriend quickly falls asleep. Kurt follows shortly after, happy that they are in each others arms again.

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