1 - move in day -

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-Kelly's POV -

This is the first day that I'm not in New York anymore, and I'm moving in my new apartment with new people technically it's with three guys. It was very short notice because my manager said if I want to get bigger in modeling I would need to go to LA, so I called around if someone had a extra spot in there place. Then this guy name Tommy said they can have me at there place. It's going to be hard with living with guys because they probably want to what kind of job I'm doing, then there's go into a bigger mess. I'm not that nervous for anything else because I do have a boyfriend name Ben, but he's back in New York, so I don't know what's going to happen..

The cab ride finally got to the place where I'm going to live, and the place is by all kind of buildings like the Whiskey a go go. I grabbed my bags, and I headed up to the apartment. When I knocked on the door I heard music. Few seconds a blonde guy came to open the door.

"Hi I'm Kelly, I'm the new roommate" I say with a smile. "Yes you are, come in" he says with a smile too. "Okayyy" I say while I went into the place.

When I got in the place it smells interesting like I can't describe plus it was messy too, but I will handle it.

"You can set the bags there for now, and I'm Vince by the way" he says while pointing to the counter top. I place my bags then I saw these posters for a band name Motley Crue.

"Is this your band?" I asked him. "Yeah we played down in the whiskey, also those two are also your roommate too. They probably will come later, and then we will see room arrangements" he says while pointing at two guys with crazy dark hair. "Okay cool" I say nervously. "You should come down, and see us play one time" he says with a smirk. "Maybe I should I will see if I can" I say nicely.

Then the door bust opens with a loud voice coming in.

"Pizza is here!!" a skinny guy says loudly. "Tommy we have our new roommate" Vince tells him. "Oh hi I'm Tommy, and I was one who talked to you on the phone" he says with enthusiasm. "Yeah I remembered" I say while laughing. "Cool" he says while laughing too. Then came in along another guy with Tommy. "And this is Nikki" Tommy says while putting the pizza on the table. "Hi" Nikki says while grabbing a drink. "Hey I'm Kelly" I say awkwardly.

"Okay let's eat, and get to know you" Vince says. "That's fine by me" I say with a smile.

We all go sit around a coffee table on the ground. The guys aren't so bad just yet, but Nikki is way less talkative than the others.

"So Kelly, I didn't wanna say it right away to make you uncomfortable, but are you the Kelly Santos the model" Tommy says trying to be nice about it. "Yup I am" I say getting a little embarrassed. "No way I knew you looked a little familiar, so what are you doing here in LA" Vince says with a smirk again.

"Uh my manager said this is where you can get more popular with modeling" I say getting nervous. "That's for sure, and how old are you" he says. "I'm nineteen" I say. "And are you single" Tommy says quickly. "Tommy we don't need to get that personal" Nikki says louder than the others. "No it's okay, and no I'm not actually I have a boyfriend back in New York" I say.

After that Nikki left with his bottle. I don't know why, but I don't think Nikki likes me that much.

"Sorry about him, but Tommy we do need the sleeping arrangements" Vince says nicely. "Oh yeah let's do that now then" Tommy says while getting up. "Let's get you set in your room" he says.

Then he shows me the room I will be staying. "Here it is" he says with a smile. "Okay thank you guys really for letting me stayed here" I say sincerely. "No it's really not a problem, I think you will fit in perfect here" he says looking into my eyes.

After that the day is finally over, and all of my stuff is place in my room. I got into my pjs and did my skin care routine. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey it's Vince" he says. "You can come in" I say. "Wow you really turn this room into something pretty" he says while looking around. "Thanks, so what do you want" I say tying not to blush. "Um the boys and I are heading out just letting you know" he says leaning on the door. "Okay have fun" I say sarcastically. "We will mom" he says laughing.

- Vince's POV -

After I told Kelly that were leaving. I knew Tommy, Nikki and I were going to talk about her because who wouldn't.

"So we're going right" Nikki says getting impatient. "Yeah we are calm down" I say. We get to the bar, and took our seats. "So Tommy why didn't you tell us that we were going to have a model as a roommate" I say. "Dude I forgot her name, and if I knew it I would of told you guys" Tommy says while his hands are up.

"I can't believe she has a boyfriend" I say annoyed. "Not for that long" Nikki says finally speaking. "What you think you can pull her, you weren't even talking to her that much than Tommy and I" I say getting more annoyed. "Fuck we should do this thing I saw on tv that if one person wins they got something out of it" Tommy says with confidence. "So a bet" Nikki says while laughs, then I laugh as well.

"Yes like the first person who can pull her wins money" I say getting excited. "What does the loser get?" Tommy asks. "They will need to wear girl's lingerie to our next show after this" I say making them worry. "No way!!" Nikki says. "Now you are the one said you could pull her" I say while smirking.

After drinking and doing other stuff we got home trying to be quiet, but of course we couldn't.

Tommy had a girl so they were doing there stuff that they went in our room, so I couldn't go in there then Nikki went straight to his room. Now I'm bored, then I had a idea to check on Kelly because her door was slightly open. She was sleeping of course, but so peacefully.

Oh how she does not know what she's getting herself into...

"Vince is that you" she says sleepy. "Shit sorry I was j-ust looking around for something" I say while stuttering. "So what are looking for?" She asks. "Actually I wasn't looking for anything, Tommy has someone over so I can't be in there. And I wanted to check on you" I say getting embarrassed. "It's okay you didn't need to lie, do you want to come and talk?" She asks again. "Sure" I say.

I went in her room while she puts on her little lamp. Fuck I shouldn't have checked on her.

"You can sit here, I don't mind" she says while making room for me. "Okay" I say trying not to smirk. "So what do you want to about" she says while laughing a little. "More about you like what was Kelly Santos before she was a model" I say while sitting down.

"Okay, well I'm actually from Chicago, Illinois, and my mom was there for me while my dad left for drugs" she says. "Really I would not even except that" I say looking into her brown eyes. "Yeah every body says that especially that I'm innocent" she says with giggles. "So what's the juicy stuff about you" I say.

"Uh well in school I got caught smoking weed, I have a rose tattoo on my lower back, and I love to party" she says confidently. "Woah , but I like it" I say while smirking.

After I smirk I can see her getting a blush on her face. I can't tell, but she actually might fit in with us. Then I moved a little closer to her.

"Vince.. I can't " she says quietly. "I know. I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you uncomfortable I will just go sleep on the couch" I say getting ready to get out.

"You don't need to do that, it's okay I push it to also I don't mind you sleeping here there's room" she says nicely. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yup" she smiles.

Then we got comfortable in are spots knowing that tomorrow is going to be awkward, but I can't say I do like this feeling between us.

A/n: hi guys I hope you guys like this I'm trying something different. By the way the love could change in this book so be careful of what you think :).

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