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                                 - Kelly's POV-

It's been days since that they left. The apartment has been quieter than ever. I haven't talk to the guys since in a while. I talked to Nikki of course, but it was only a couple of times. That was about what's happening with the tour and how it's going. The thing that surprise me is Tommy kept on leaving me messages. I didn't want to call him because the last time I did I said something that I didn't want myself to believe.

Today I'm going to a party for one of the girls in my group of models. It's for a big photo shoot and it's her birthday so it's going to be big. I'm not really close with her so I'm nervous to go also this is the first time without my ex boyfriend Ben to go with.

Nicole can't go because the party is going to be late and Vince and her usually called to check in with each other. I think it's cute how they are call each other to see how there day went.

We all know what happens on tour with rockstars and she's been all about that on him. I never talk about this stuff with Nikki. I get with them because they are going to get married.

As I'm thinking about this. Im getting my hair done plus makeup. This party is 6 to 11 a clock at night so I better be pretty to go to this.

Kelly's outfit for this party ^^^

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Kelly's outfit for this party ^^^

I'm already to go to this. I got a cab and now I'm off to this event.

When I got to the place it was huge it was a mansion like damn I wish I can live like this one day. This place have interviewers everywhere. Before I had to get interview I met with the birthday girl.

"Hey Tara happy birthday and congratulations" I say to her. "Thanks Kelly hope you enjoy the party" she says.

Now after that I have to get interviewed.

"Kelly Santos we have some questions for you" this guy says. "Sure let's bring them on" I say smiling. "Okay everybody wants to know what is happening with you and Nikki Sixx " he says. "Oh really" I say. "Yup so are you guys dating or" he questions. "We did make some things official I will say" I say smiling. "So your not single" he says weirdly. "Nope I'm not single sorry boys" I say jokingly.

"Okay last question your friend Tommy lee in another interview said he's in a complicated relationship did you know anything about that" he says. "Is these questions all about men, but no I never heard that sorry" I say making a face. "Okay just wondering that's it then and that it's folks of Kelly Santos" he says then going off to another girl.

What does that even mean Tommy has a complicated relationship. Does he mean me, probably not I don't know I'm just going to forget it tonight. Now after that I went back to the party room.

Maybe I should get a drink. There is a girl serving drinks so I'm just going to get one. There's just cocktails. Then a guy approaches me of course.

"Your Kelly Santos right?" He asks. "Yes that's me" I say side smile. "I'm one of the workers of Vogue Carl and I think you would be perfect" Carl says. "Really" I say getting my hopes up. "Yes so let me get you a card of number and think about it. Then if you think about it call it and they will tell you to come over okay" he says giving me his number card. "I will and thank so much" I say sincerely. "Yeah no problem" he says.

We then says goodbye. My night just got better I could be in vogue oh my gosh I can't believe it.

Everybody sang happy birthday to her and we saw her cover photo shoot to. Now the night is over, I'm not drunk, but there is a buzz. I got into the cab and I just want to call someone right now. I'm in the apartment I stumble a little bit, but I'm fine I promise.

I dialed up the number and it actually went through after a minute.

"Hello" Tommy says sleepily. "Hey it's me Kelly" I say up beat. "So your picking up now" he says jokingly. "I know, but I just got back from a party and someone told me something about you" I say. "Uh huh what did they say" he says. "That you said in a interview you were in a complicated relationship" I say getting nervous. "Ohh that yeah I was talking about you" he admits. "You can't say that though" I say quieter.

"Why not" he questions. "Because I'm in a actually relationship" I say. "Yeah Nikki right, but you were the one that said you like me to" he says. "I don't know Tom.." I say calmly. "I think you do know. You just don't want to say it" he says shockingly to me. "...your right I did mean what I said" I say quietly. "And what is that" he says loud. "That I have feelings for you..." I say louder than him.

.... "Tommy are you still there" I say worried because it felt like forever since I said it. "Yes I'm here I just couldn't hear, can you can you repeat that again" he says trying to be serious. "Do you want me to take it back" I say jokingly. "No I think it's cute you like me" he says.

I'm a horrible person. In the beginning I did this with Ben with Nikki now I'm doing it to Nikki with Tommy. Well I don't know what's happening with Tommy it's kinda confusing but it's not what I expected though...

- Tommy's POV -

"No I think it's cute you like me" I say. As I said that Nikki came in. "Oh really" Kelly says. "Yes really" I say. "I do enjoy this call, but it's getting late" she says. "Okay that's okay bye" I say to her.

The call ended and Nikki just was grabbing a beer he looked at me.

"Who were you talking to" Nikki asks. "Just someone" I say. "Just someone are you sure that look when you talked to the person you really got into it" he says giving me a look. "What do you mean" I question. "Well I got a magazine of Kelly" he says throwing me this magazine.

He told me to look at page 6. He was right I guess thus magazine was about a party for this other model that she got invited. I looked through the writing plus photos. The thing that I saw got my eye. Was how she was speaking about Nikki compared to me. Like she was more calm and soft for Nikki then me it was more annoyed and upbeat. Maybe I'm getting into it so I shouldn't worry.

"So you and Kelly are official?" I question. "Yeah I guess so" he says dude smiling. "Good for you dude" I say.

Nikki was the one he got the girl I know that and I hate myself for this, but Kelly and I like each other. I think it could go somewhere.  The thing that is really gets me is knowing that he's get to show everyone that he's with her.

A/n: more drama is happening 😉. I hope you guys like this sorry if it took a little long, but it's here :). Btw if you have questions or you want to say anything please comment!!!!

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