23 - missed me -

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- Tommy's POV-

Last night was the best nights I had in a while. I knew that Kelly was going to be there at the club. I had a friend who's friend is Friends with Kelly so he knew that they were going. Even though I haven't seen her in ages. I knew I had to see her again.

After the last time we were together she left because she realized that needed to find herself. Then I explained myself to Heather and we got married a little long after that, but we got divorced of course. After that I started thinking what if I see Kelly again. I knew I shouldn't, but you know me I'm a hopeless romantic.

Now I'm laying here with my arm wrapped around Kelly's naked body as she sleeps. I can't believe it I definitely love her.

Then she wakes up, and even with messy hair she still looks beautiful.

"Good morning baby" I say while she looks up at me. "Good morning to you too. What time is it?" Kelly asks. "Almost two a clock" I say. "Shit I should be going now" she says getting up from her position.

"Wait why" I question. "I need to be at my place because someone is fixing a electrical issue" she says as I get up to. "Okay what happened" I say as she gets up with my sheet wrapped around as she find clothes. "The lights kept on flickering" she says putting back her clothes.

"Maybe you should just move in with me" I say. "Tommy I can't just move in with you" she says as she threw my boxers back to me. "Oh come on your place doesn't sound the best and also you can be with me" I say as I put my boxers on.

"I just can't okay" she says calmly. "Fine just remember you can though" I say smiling.

"Okay I will, but I gotta go now bye" she says kissing my check. "Bye" I say.

Then she left maybe I shouldn't of have said that oh well.

- Kelly's POV-

As I finally got to my place I thought of what happened and I mean I don't regret it, but I should tell someone. Then again I do feel something for him.

I got into my place and I notice Kate was here.

"Hey so how was it?" Kate asks. "How was what" I say. "You know Tommy come on I want details" Kate says giggling on the couch.

I been friends with Kate since I started playboy she's one of the playmates and she had a place and asked me if I wanted to move in. Of course I'm still friends with Nicole but I think she's been busy because she's expecting a baby on the way. I'm really excited for her, but she told me she needs space so I will give her space. Even though she says that once in a while a talk to her.

"Fine I will tell you after I take a shower" I say. "Okay I will be waiting then" she says putting the tv back on.

I then go in the shower as I'm cleaning myself I thought about what I did hours ago. It was really and all. I just can't believe getting back in a relationship with someone. I got out of a relationship not too long ago. Then there's how I cheated on Nikki with him. What am I'm going to do.

I finish my shower and slip into silk pajamas. I grabbed my hair brush and sat on the couch by Kate.

"Are you ready now" Kate asks. "Yes I guess I am" I say as I started brushing my hair. "Okay so what's happening" she says. "We slept together and after the morning he says something about how I should move in with him" I say. "Woah you guys aren't even in a relationship" she says concern.

"Well we were kinda not really" I say. "Oh I remember now you cheated on Nikki Sixx with him" she says. "Yeah I know..." I say twirling my hair. "Sorry that sounded kinda rude. So what are you thinking" she says sincerely.

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