Chapter 5

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I was crying silently as we walked. I was leading him in the wrong way. We had walked for a few minutes before he realised.

"We've gone in a circle." He says, stopping us.

"It's just over here" I lie.

"No, now see... here's your bow" he says, pointing to my bow on the floor.

"That's... not mine" I shrug my shoulders.

"How stupid do you think I am"

"Very stupid if you're wasting your time on me, you should just release me and get on with your day" I said.

"Now that would be stupid."

"You know what" I say and turn to face him. He glared down at me and suddenly I had lost the bravery to confront him.

We kept walking for ten minutes in a direction he chose to go in. After a while I was beginning to recognise the area and I knew we were getting close. Quaritch did too because my ears  flickered and my tail was restless. I then forced myself to shut down without warning and my avatar fell unconscious.

"God damnit!" I hear as my senses fade out. My vision ends with a blurry Quaritch looking down at me.

I woke up in the cyan jelly bed again. I pushed the roof of it open and threw off the metal sensors and rolled off the bed. I hadn't realised how close we were to my human body that I could hear him in the distance swearing, crouching down I just ran the opposite way. Finally ending the chase.

*An hour later*


I came to a stop, huffing and puffing. My hands on my knees as I bent over to breathe.


I jumped back with freight when I heard my name. I looked back to see Norm in his Avatar form.

"Jesus Norm" I sigh, panting.

"W-what happened to you? Where's your avatar?" He asks worried.

"Quaritch has it, he took me and Spider. I got out but I think Spider's still there" I say.

"Where?" He asks.

"His base or something, I don't know what it is but it's not far from Hell's gates" I inform him.

"Shit, uh okay-"

"Where's the Sully's?" I ask.

"They have to leave, they're leaving soon after they appoint a new clan leader" he says, rag drying his hair.

"Shit I need to talk to him" I say then turn to jog off.

"Wait Y/n!" He stops. I turn back to see him.

"You should wait until they're alone, the clan won't really like you in your human form" he says.

"Right, will he come back here?" I ask.

"Yeah there's some things he still needs to pack up" he says. I relax my shoulders a little and walk towards him, sitting on a chair besides him. He takes a seat next to me and rests his arm around my shoulder's, pulling into him. I exhale.

"I don't like him being with them. I know his dad won't let anything bad happen but he's already been mildly tortured by the scientists" I say. Norm looks at me and looks down in sympathy.

"You know I'd protect you no matter what" he reminds me.

"I know"


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