Chapter 44

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I open my eyes again, I'm still surrounded by water, the emergency lights still glowing dimly in the water giving it an aqua look. I don't know how long I was briefly out of it for but I'm guessing maybe twenty or thirty minutes. I had tears in my gas mask, they steamed up the visor from the inside a little, making it hard to see.

I was quite cold, chills all over my body now as my clothes were awfully uncomfortable and weighing me down. I look up to see I'm still held onto a pipe above me, my fingers were cold and numb so I basically had to crack them off the pipe using my finger muscles.

"Ahh..." I mumble as they feel weird and stiff.

The room was fully submerged in water, I still had a couple hours left of my oxygen in my mask but I didn't care about that, I don't even think I'll make it another hour. I raise my fingers close to my chest and feel my shoulder, I prod it and it stings with a sore, annoying type pain. As I do this I see more blood leak out slightly. I look at my fingers, I had to double take and fix my eyes on them.

All my fingers were wrinkly from being in water so long and my hands were pale as ice, I got a shock when I saw how pale I was, I hadn't realised how much blood I really had lost. I did feel horrendously dizzy afterall, I was feeling giddy at the same time.

I began to think about my mother again, the dream I had that was really a memory burning in my mind. I missed her so much and right now I just wanted to go and be with her, tears began to silently cry as I filled the gas mask more, more steam covering my visor. I then began to think I was hallucinating.

"Y/n..." I hear, it was a male voice. I kept my eyes shut and my head resting against the pipe work until they called out again. When I opened my eyes I see a door was open that I'm sure was shut before. The whole ship must've been submerged in water by now due to the water not sucking in the next room. I move my head a bit to the side to see if I was seeing things but the door was now wide open. I begin to swim toward it, hardly moving anywhere.

I grab the door frame and pull myself through the door with the little strength I had left. I looked back before continuing, I then felt a hand touch mine and my head snapped around ahead of me in freight again.

"Uh!" I weakily gasped out, my muscles running cold with the strain of effort that took. Ti'loni looks back at me, his hand on mine, wrapping around my tiny human hands. A smile drew on my face immediately.
"Loni..." I called out to him.

"Come on, it's this way out" he tells me, his voice wasn't muffled by the water at all which was odd but I didn't pay much attention to it. He pulled me along the water and down different corridoors until there was a small gap open caused by broken metal, on the other side it was a large blue void, showing the open sea.

I was happy to see the sea but I was too tired to care. Ti'loni still pulled me through the water along the dark corridoors until he stopped us just at the exit. He stopped and faced me, taking my other hand in his, I looked up to him.

"Live a life" he told me, his voice still clear but dragging slightly.

"You're coming with me, right?" I asked, using a lot of effort to speak as I felt my jaw stiffening.

"I'll always be with you" he told me, a smile across his face.
"Now go" he added and pushed me to the broken wall slightly. I faced it and looked at the gap, feeling the edges of it with my fingers to determine if I was small enough to get through. I smile slightly realising it's possible. I then glance back to Ti'loni.

He's not there. I see the plain empty corridoor behind me again.

"Loni?" I call out weakily. I look left and right but he's nowhere to be seen. I look back to the wall, thinking he'll find his own way out that he could fit through. I squeeze my fragile body through the wall, grazing my skin as I force my way through. Once I'm through I see that I'm free from the ship, the wide deep blue see reaching out for miles around me. I begin to swim upwards but it's horrendously difficult, every movement is a drag on all my muscles, draining my energy every time I reached out.

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