I'll Have You Restrained (Brooke Augustine) NSFW

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Most Conduits weren't born this way. Many were converted. A few were born. Like you. You had the wacky ability to pick up from other primaries. You were the first your Warden had ever seen. She insisted she was trying to help you, but you had no trust for the woman anymore. She tried to get you to see her shrinks, but you lashed out without your ability at every one of them. Most other prisoners were frightened of you. You were a firecracker on a bomb, lashing out at any moment. And you preferred it when they feared this.

One person wasn't scared of you, the one you wished most would. She wasn't always at Curdun Cay. She got to stay out in the real world while every other Natural had to stay in the prison she created. If she knew how hated and envied she was, you hoped she'd hate herself for it. But you weren't sure she would, if she was even capable of feeling any emotions.

She liked you. Liked what you could do. Disliked what you wouldn't. You weren't obedient. You threw her military status back at her often, declaring you would never follow orders. Again and again, you denied her. But she kept coming back. You never knew when Augustine was back at Curdun Cay until nightfall.

You slept in the cell which wasn't cold and hard like a prison should be. It was made entirely out of concrete so your Warden was able to put beds with mattresses inside, you only wore your uniform when people from the outside came. The cells seemed to be made for comfort rather than incarceration. Not that it wasn't nice and thorough in keeping you all trapped.

The night had fallen and you laid on your bed, not the most comfortable, but you were in prison so you were grateful. It was those twisted emotions that kept you from finding the right way to escape. Joining Augustine would guarantee freedom... of a different sort. You'd have to join the DUP, become a paramilitary task-enforcer to hunt and imprison your own kind. You had done nothing to earn being locked up, just leave Brooke for opening the DUP and making Curdun Cay. Once she found out what you were, just as she was, she'd thrown you in here.

These thoughts finally dropped off into the restful haze and you slowly drifted to sleep with the sound of the ocean beating on the prison's door.


The bars of your cell were made out of cement as well, the DUP staff (mostly other natural Conduits, but some with second-hand concrete) had to open them with their abilities. The Warden, however, stood outside your cell, watching you sleep, before stepping through the concrete with a wave of gold washing over her. Her auburn hair pulled back into a twisted bun, her bangs swooping her forehead evenly. Her coat covered most of her clothes except for her equally dark boots and gloves. She approached your bed, staring at how you contorted your body like a cat every time you slept.

You were on your stomach, but your legs were twisted and bent, your arms in equally strange positions, and your head faced the wall.

A smile pulled on her lips. She enjoyed making you uncomfortable, making you fear what she would do next, but more than anything, she would enjoy your restitution back to her side. Her gloved fingers reached across the space over your back and pulled your hair from your face, trailing covered fingers down your hair.

You stirred slightly, but she willed you to return to sleep. As you always did with her, you resisted. Turning over, you faced the ginger and sat up, pressing yourself against the wall.

"You offend me," Augustine said, her voice light as ever. She didn't fear much, certainly not you.

Still groggy from your interrupted sleep, you shuffled back more until you realized there was no more.

The auburn haired director sat on the edge of your bed, much too comfortable with being so close to a criminal like you. She reached out a hand for your own, but you pulled away. You knew how her military brain worked. She'd long since wanted to load you up with powers and make you the DUP's greatest weapon. All powers. Every one in Curdun Cay. You had most of them, just not hers.

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