Keeper (Alma Peregrine)

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Time is precious. It is precise. It takes a great deal of care to mind certain repeating time. Loops were usually looked well after by Ymbrynes. They rarely had need of Loop-Keepers. But Miss Peregrine was a peculiar Peculiar minder. Her loop was made out of desperation, urgency. Her look was not the calm home an Ymbryne wished for. So her loop was permitted... you.

You weren't assigned to her. You were young and clueless, having stumbled upon her loop. She took you under her near-literal wing and taught you everything another Loop-Keeper could. Eventually, she had to report back to the Council about you. You both dreaded the day, having grown so close, you were both elated that you were allowed to stay. You instantly had your own chores, though much less than the children. You had the loop to attend to so she could manage her stress about the bombs and the Hollow to be dealt with.

It was so easy to Alma, to let you in. Trusting her Keeper was built into her as well. Affection and adoration, well that was mostly always there, but intimacy came later. Much later.

It was less easy for the kids. They didn't see how you helped. They only saw you had less chores and were constantly acting like you weren't in love with their Headmistress. They suspected it was under Miss Peregrine's orders because she was acting just the same, just as badly. They were very disgruntled by you.

But this was a day that would change all that. Not that any of you knew it, possibly baring Horace, you'd later reflect.

The morning was in constant motion. All the kids wanted to be spick and span for the day so they could play immediately after breakfast. Chores would come later. You and Alma moved in unison to make a lovely breakfast with fresh fruits and a few vegetables you'd picked and sliced especially for the kids you knew loved pears and pineapples. It wasn't often they ate something so light, Alma preferring something hearty to help them last until dinner. You reasoned they could have snacks as well, she kept stocked with anything and everything they could want and need. It was remarkable.

You were all settling down for breakfast when Alma did a head count. "Children, where's Emma?" she asked.

Hugh giggled. Enoch smirked. "Uhm, Hugh's bath went a little long and Emma's time got set off. She'll be down shortly," the necromancer assured his Headmistress.

Appeased, Alma moved onto the next task. "Hugh, you must be courteous to other children's morning schedule," she scolded lightly. She knew he already knew better and wouldn't repeat it for a good time.

"Yes, Miss Peregrine," he mumbled, chagrined anyway.

Nodding, Alma sat down and Emma came down the stairs. Her hair wasn't entirely dry, but Alma had chosen a warm day. She glowered at the bee-keeper. (You'd made a joke about the similarities of your Peculiarity's titles, but he hadn't got it.) She took her seat and the tension almost left the room. Breakfast started with a bit of silence, the children excited about an unusual spread.

Claire mumbled something about the pineapple that the mute Fiona picked up on. She turned to her (they were sitting right beside each other), and they shared a mini conversation. Other children broke into simple chatter. You and Alma just watched as they had the closest they would ever get to being a normal kind of happy. That was never a major goal, you both wanting them to be proud of what set them apart, but it was nice to see that they could be... kids.

The eating wound down until only Hugh was sucking on a pineapple. He noticed he was last and chomped down his food, wiping his mouth and hands with his napkin. He was already standing out to Miss P for bad behavior. A few bees escaped his maw, but that was anything but unusual.

Alma stood, reaching for plates. "You may play until you must begin your chores." You rose behind her, gathering the other side's as the children raced into the yard.

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