Not This Time (Phoebe & Piper)

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Request: Reader gets stuck in a demon fighting situation and ends up getting hurt. Leo is unable to hear. Phoebe snaps because she is worried. 

Combined with a request for Piper x Reader. 

Everyone dreams about magic when they're a child. You wonder about fairies and witches and Santa. Like most things, it's realer and scarier as a grownup. Fairies were real, though you barely interacted with them. Santa wasn't. Ironically, you grew up to be a witch. Unfortunately, it wasn't all inventing spells and potions, hexing bullies, and flying on a broomstick. In fact, you'd done none of those things since discovering your powers. What you had done was lie out of your ass, run from warlocks and demons, and learned personal gain was a big no-no. 

It was a lot to keep track of in the face of keeping it all secret. Luckily, you had a couple of teachers. The Charmed Ones - a big deal in the magical community - had taken you under their wing, purely out of necessity. Your best friend and roommate had turned out to be a long lost Charmed  One and she hadn't been ready to move in with her sisters. You still lived where you had with her. Paige now lived with her sister witches and you visited frequently. It helped that Piper and Phoebe were sweethearts. 

You knocked on the door-frame as you entered the house via the laundry room. "Good morning, all!" you greeted cheerfully. 

According to Paige, none of the sisters were energetic in the mornings, but her older sisters were always bright when you visited. Piper looked up from  her position at the stove, looking eager. "Hey! I made an English breakfast!" she called. 

Phoebe already sat at the table and she smiled brightly over at you. "Good morning!" she greeted in something of a childish voice. She pulled out the chair adjacent to her and patted the seat. Firmly planting her elbow on the table, she held her own chin to stare up at you. It was an odd look she gave you semi-often. She made you embarrassed and flatted all at the same time, with just her brown eyes. 

Invited, you stepped inside. "Oh, Piper, you know that's not why I come," you said modestly. 

The long haired brunette picked up a full plate and hovered it over the garbage. "Oh, so, should I feed it to the raccoons?" Identical brown eyes bored into you, eyebrow raised teasingly. 

You veered from your direction to Phoebe and intercepted the plate. "Well, don't waste it." With a kiss to her cheek, you went to sit where the psychic told you. "How's the column?" you asked half rhetorically, kissing the other cheek proffered to you. The column was always a success. 

And Phoebe said as much, wide a wide grin at the interest. 

"Where's Paige?" you asked, leaning back. 

"She's off to the temp agency's newest gig," Phoebe answered. She never took her eyes off you. 

You bobbed your head in a nod, wondering if you should even be here if she wasn't. 

Piper sat on the other end of the table, opposite her sister and sort of beside you. She set a plate in front of her sister and another in front of her. "You know you don't have to wait," she explained. 

You looked down at your plate, enticed by the food you'd forgotten. "Manners, Piper. It's like you don't even know me." 

"I know right?" the younger piped in. "Hey, do you have any client lunches today?" 

You were a lawyer, thankfully a very good one with your hectic scheduling around demons. You felt like you were disassociating, feeling the air disturbance incoming. 

"...cuz I was thinkin' maybe we could get some without the professional ass-"

Right on time, a demon shimmered into the kitchen. You had your plate in hand and you flung it up in the demon's face. He manifested an energy ball. Time slowed down and you knew exactly what was about to happen. Fingers flicking in Phoebe's direction, the black magic flew. You were already moving in your seat. 

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