Settled (Maggie Walsh)

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Light rose over your body, warming you easily. Your eyes opened and you stretched out. You ached. Groaning, you focused on the footsteps at the end of the bed.

There she was, dressed for a day of lecturing before going underground to the Initiative. Blonde hair perfectly tamed, amused blue eyes staring down at you. "Good morning," Margaret greeted, amused.

An involuntary smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. You gave a faint hum, stretching again before pulling yourself to sit up.

A hand trailed down your hair, down your back next. "Up and at'em," she ordered softly. Her lips found your sweaty brow and she pulled back, concerned. "You were paged yesterday," she remembered. Her impenetrable gaze found your vitamin bottle on your bedside table and she moved to it. "You have to be more regular," she ordered, dumping one into her hand.

You groaned, leaning away from the pill. "I hate chemicals," you grumbled.

"I know," came a once again amused response. She sat beside you on the bed, pulling you to look at her with a firm grip on your chin. Her free fingers went to her lips, placing the capsule on the bottom and her tongue. She leaned forward and your lips met. You were kissing more for the sake of kissing, but Maggie flicked her tongue, depositing the vitamin into your mouth. Her oral muscle grazed your lips teasingly. The only way you'd get more kisses was to swallow. Her hand left your chin to hold the side of your face, fingers curling at the edge of your skull. "You'll feel better," she promised softly, tipping her head back up to bring her lips against yours. She breathed heavily for a moment, surging forward the moment she felt you gulp.

Your blood began to sing at the contact and your arousal brought you to the precipice of wakefulness.

Maggie grinned when you began to kiss back. "Good girl," she bade, pulling away. 

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