Ascent (Moiraine Sedai)

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The first time you saw her, you'd been speaking to Liandrin. She seemed insistent that you joined her Ajah. Of course, you were only a Novice. She'd passed you in the hall. She initially smiled greetingly, but it soon turned piteous as she took in your companion. And she'd been gone before you'd realized how taken in you were.

Liandrin, of course, noticed, and she immediately started scolding you for your attraction to Moiraine Sedai, a seedy spy from a Sister Ajah. She made a show of not treating any Ajah different, despite the basic sparks which flew between them.

"Would that not birth a flame uncontrollable?" you asked, perhaps a metaphor for in-fighting or some sort of war.

The blonde grinned at you as if that were it exactly. "A fire will burn either way. Best be the one behind the burn, lest it be deflected at you."

You frowned at the meaning.


The next time you saw her, you were Accepted and had free access to the library. And, Light, were you using it. Your table was high with books.

"I'm impressed," came the even comment.

Despite the lack of ceremony in her appearance, you still screamed, tossing a book in the air at the shock. You caught the damn thing as it fell, and huffed, staring down the Blue shawled woman.

She was smirking at you, clearly amused. She looked you up and down. "I've been looking forward to meeting you."

"Y-you have?" you stammered out.

Her wicked amusement spread her lips wider, somehow staying put together and so very above you with her basic reaction. "Oh, yes. Youngest Novitiate to ever reach Acceptance?" She slinked closer to you. You weren't sure you minded. "How could I not be curious?"

You looked back and forth behind her. "By never being in the Tower except a few days every several months? I... um, didn't think it was that interesting."

Long fingers trailed across your cheek. She was officially in your personal space. "I find you.. very interesting," she admitted lowly, sparking something low in yourself. She stepped away quickly, lifting the book in her arms to read the title. "Convening with Souls within the Wheel. That's very advanced for an Accepted such as yourself. Not planning on practicing a onerous craft on our own, are we?" she teased.

You took the book from her. "Not yet." You replaced it at the bottom of the pile. "Just mastering theory for now."

She trailed back up your face, cupping your chin. She stared scrutinizingly before releasing you. "I believe you. Smart girl, focusing on theory."

You looked toward your books. "Thank you," you mumbled.

She followed your gaze, amusement lighting up her features once more. She slowly oozed her way into the nearby seat. "Well, I suppose we best get to work." She picked up a simpler text, flipping through the pages. "Is Reneth still insisting Wards must be held from within?" she asked.

You giggled. "I asked about tethering and she stared like I had eight heads."

Moiraine Sedai smiled over at you, without your knowledge as your head was buried in a book already. She ventured a bet on White.


It took forever, but you finished all the notes you felt you needed on these books. Moiraine Sedai had left hours ago, possibly put out by your silence. You felt that couldn't possibly be it because she was known for being tight-lipped herself. You replaced the books, returning to your lodging before the Mistress of Novices found out you were out past lights out. Again.

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