Thorn (Morgana Pendragon) NSFW

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You laid on your back in the middle of the tunnel, your energy spent. Too much magic. Your eyes puffed out their last bit of gold for a time, should you wish to maintain consciousness.

"You really are a thorn in my side," came the cold voice of the woman you loved. She pulled out a knife as she approached. Baring it threateningly.

Tears threatened to spill over at her willingness to end you. Still, you postured, as you were so good at it. "Your side? There used to be somewhere else you much preferred me," you quipped.

Blue green eyes froze, shock electrifying her veins. An excitement she'd not felt since her first public betrayal of Camelot. You'd never leave your precious knights. And yet here you were, separated from them. If you went missing, they would have no reason to suspect her. No one knew she was there yet. Rushing forward, dropping the blade, she lifted you into the air with just a hand fisted in your neckline. Her eyes glowed gold.

Anticipating a spell, you had no choice. Your own eyes lit gold and you prepared to combat whatever she had readied for you. A warmth spread through your gut, overtaking your blood with euphoric pleasure. The bright color faded from your eyes as you arched in mid-air. Your toes curled in your boots and a moan slipped out. Your head fell back, eyes firmly settled in the back of your head. Your cunt pounded with new blood flow. Your breaths came out in huffs as the spell crested. Your legs bent themselves with the force of your orgasm, thighs trapped apart, knees digging into the air as far away from each other as they could get. Your skirt impeded your movement, but it didn't matter because a moment later, you went limp in the air.

Not even Morgana was holding you anymore. She smirked at your levitating body. "And I shall have you there again."


It was warm. So warm. You were a servant. Your room was cold, your clothes were thin, and you didn't have the best circulation, according to Gaius, the physician.

But the room itself was sweltering. The cloth covering you was a thick satin, and neither your fingers nor toes were blocks of ice. You were so comfortable. And it instantly alarmed you. Your fingers twitched and you jerked to sit up. The room was large and the only door had a large sigil carved into your side of it.

"Good, you're awake." Morgana. Of course it was Morgana. She had taken turns kidnapping Merlin, Arthur, Gwen, the knights. She'd left you alone for the most part, but your luck, it seemed, had run out.

You turned to look at the deliciously dressed brunette and turned away. You couldn't do this. Didn't have the strength. Propping your hands on the bed, you turned your body to let your feet fall from the edge. You felt sore, unconscionably. Your sigh made a throaty sound you don't remember allowing and you tried to move, but found the brunette already almost over to you.

"Sh-sh," she scolded gently. She lifted your legs and moved you back onto the cushion you were on. You whimpered in complaint. She sat beside you. "You were clenching quite harshly around nothing, I'm afraid." Reaching out her hand, she held your face and used the other to grasp a cup. She took one of your hands, tracing your hair with her other hand, and pushed the cup closer to you. "This will help you, my love."

"Morgana," you whispered resistantly. You tried to push the cup back to her, but she moved to kneel above you.

A leg on either side of your lap, she used the hand on your hair to tip your head back by pulling your chest closer to her. She moved that arm around your back and used your joined hands to bring the cup to your lips. "Come on, love," she whispered.

You had the strength to hold the cup between you and looked up at her, wide eyed and determined. "Whatever game it is you are playing, I want no part of it."

She caught you lips gently, surprising you with her care. "No game," she promised when she separated. Using your daze to make you drink, she huffed a smile and gazed down at you tenderly. "Never with you." She settled onto your lap lightly, staying close. She'd never leave you again. 

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