Moiraine as a Horrible Mother

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The White Tower was hardly non-functional without Moiraine Sedai. In fact, in Liandrin's not so humble opinion, it worked best without the meddlesome Blue. However, she had her uses. When the Tower required a renewal in its connection to the wheel, she stepped up. A new birth in the Tower, a center of Power which wasn't even allowed to stay. The whole Tower joined their Powers to draw in a powerful, yet willing, partner to conceive the connection. 

For nearly 20 months, Moiraine and the authority of the White tower grew. Then a baby girl came into the world. And so began the next problem. As the key to the Aes Sedai's renewed power, Moiraine had to remain within the Stone powerhouse. She wasn't the sitting still type. The next four years, she still had to do so, to ensure the baby's power and the tower's power were disconnected. One person could never hold all that. The child was doted on and loved by every inhabitant of the entire town. 

But Moiraine was restless. None loved the babe more than her, except perhaps her Warder and, surprisingly, Liandrin. Still, Aes Sedai were not made for parenthood. They all had more pressing duties, especially Moiraine. The girl was deemed power-less and returned to her father. Moiraine set out on the mission she'd been predicted to fulfill. And the child was missed. 


Liandrin stood before a Seating and the Amyrlin, fed up with a situation in no way related to the topic of the Seating. "Moiraine has flitted... back and forth to the Tower for... 14 years? With every sort of mystery tired to her... and the oaths bent over the last decade." She stared at the Blue. 

Moiraine felt her blood turned cold. Surely she wouldn't- In a Seating which allowed her to persecute a man, she wouldn't chose- 

"Like the vow to Celenya," she suddenly finished. She would. 

Not a voice was heard in the large room. Siuan looked at Moiraine and if it hadn't been for their relationship. She would have missed the regret. And yet, Moiraine knew every one of her sister's thought much the same of her much of the time. Her daughter was universally loved around the Tower and not one of them would've protested the Amyrlin bending the law to allow her to stay. But Moiraine had been restless and impatient and the girl would've taken too long to mature enough. So she'd sent Celenya away with the promise to check in often and bring her back one day. The only time they were capable of touching her father's birth world was Celenya's birthday, though the Aes Sedai were more than capable of keeping the connection open. Moiraine didn't want that. She didn't want her sisters to have a limitless window to spy on her daughter. She didn't want to spy on her daughter. To be entirely honest, she didn't want to see Celenya. She knew the guilt was already painful and seeing her little girl all grown up would definitely break what was left of her heart in two. 

"And what a coincident of the date." The blonde faced the Blue, both aware the brunette had already lost. 

"Your sister speaks true," Siuan was the only one who dared to speak. 

Moiraine sighed, knowing as much. She knew she should have checked in sooner, done something - anything - right, but she was afraid of the pain. She wanted to postpone it, and she did. She postponed herself into a corner, and she couldn't even be mad with Liandrin. No sister loved Celenya more than her. They'd been thick as thieves and, seeing the effect of their separation on Liandrin, she dreaded how Celenya was hurt. The brunette nodded, accepting her fate. "There's not a resident of the Tower that would not wish to see her. May I recommend our check-in be hosted in the courtyard?"

Siuan inclined her head once. 


Moiraine set up the observation weave with a heavy heart and a busy mind. She wondered how Celenya had grown up, who she was now. She was still only 18. A soothing hand at her back helped her internal turmoil. A glance at her Warder calmed her further and Moiraine barely resisted the subtle smirk to confirm she was fine. 

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