Dust (Moiraine Sedai)

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You didn't like crowds. Too many people meant too many unknowns. You weren't the most temperamental, but you hated crowds.


You felt her, across the square. Down and away. An Aes Sedai rode up to your town. Your hand jerked and your towel fell. You couldn't bend to pick it up.

This wasn't supposed to happen. You moved to much to meet one of them. But she came closer still. She was powerful. You felt it in the air. Her magic was touching everything within reach and you felt the vibrations. You rocked back and stumbled a bit. "You said my shift was up half an hour ago?" you asked the woman across the room.

She nodded jerkily, pupils anxiously eyeing the fallen towel. She lifted the tray from the table and walked behind the counter. Depositing the drinks on it quickly onto the counter, she slipped out the back.

You had jerked your apron off and turned to follow her down the hall. She turned into a door leading to a storage room and paused to look at you. You stopped at her gaze, then turned with a bit of energy.

"Thank you."

You laughed. "Likewise," you huffed out finally. You continued past her door and out the back opening. You were at the stables in barely a moment. You looked from the horse you chose to see two horses- Warder... down by the tavern you'd just raced around. You saddled and mounted the horse, tying your pack to the back of the saddle. You instantly took off toward the path through the woods, South. You needed distance and you needed it now.

Barely a few minutes passed when a faster gallop behind you drew your attention. Against your own judgement, you pulled your horse to stop. You weren't dressed for travel, not by anyone who actually travelled's perspective. You looked over your saddle and pulled out your coat. Your legs were sufficiently covered by the long fabric. You might look like a monk. Aw, who cared.

Two horse's gallop.

And, suddenly, your heart stopped.

You felt her again.


Your magic kicked into the air with your fear- No! Aes Sedai could feel when fellow witches were around- No ring, no training, no way to hide it- Your brain kicked you in the head, a headache forming from either your thinking speed or the change in emotions, visceral changes. You turned and reached for the pocket of the coat and brought a bit of sand up into your hand, dusting it through quickly. You sat back up and nudged the horse to trot in time for the Sedai and her Warder to come racing around the corner. They didn't seem to have known you were there. That made you feel better.

"Oh, hello," the Sedai greeted cordially. She moved a bit of hair from her face, looking at you clearer.

You kept your horse going. They slowed to walk with you. Neither of them said anything for a time. They just shared looks and you weren't sure what that was.

It made you tense. Why weren't they speaking? Even just to each other? How did their magic bond even work? Everyone knew about the bond between an Aes Sedai and her Warder. You were trotting along in your new horse, anxiously listening for any breaths or words behind you, when she sped up. Only just to catch up with you.

"I am Moiraine Sedai, this is Lan," she greeted very politely.

Given the invitation, you stared at her. Your own name tumbled over your lips and her eyes crinkled around the edges.

"An unusual name," she commented softly.

Your eyes went back forward. Bodyguard-boy was still watching. Time to turn on the charm. You brought your own eyes up in a smile likewise, though you were over-doing it by a lot. "Perhaps," you agreed cheerily. You tipped back and forth on your horse. "Where are you two headed to? I'd enjoy a bit of company," you lied through your fucking teeth.

But, no, she didn't get it. Her face softened from whatever falsities she'd projected. She bought that? "Bit West," she answered. "You?"

Your brain scrambled for where you'd planned to hide out from the woman. "Edmond's Field," you answered far too honestly.

A light flicked on in a way that didn't warm you. "Us as well."

"That's South."

"And a bit West," she added slowly.

You refrained from shriveling at the embarrassment you felt. You forced your smile. I'm gonna need more sand. They were staying around. The whole ride. "More the merrier!" you cheered.

"Actually would you mind us setting up camp? We've not stopped in nearly a day, only pausing for a brief time to restock at the last village." She shook the rations hanging on her saddle.

Your eyes bugged at the large sack, another hanging from her Warder's. They were expecting a long trip. Longer past Edmond's. Good. "I suppose not."

Her smile seemed a bit too cheery. Was she faking like you? You went off the beaten path toward a nearby fort pre-made for travellers.

"The shelter will be small this far out," you commented, pulling your horse.

"We'll make due," came a subtle statement from the still-amused Sedai.

You arrived at the fort soon enough and the other two dismounted.

The Warder moved to tie the horses to the stand for it and the Aes Sedai turned to you. Moiraine, was it? "Coming?"

You smiled down at her. "I was thinking about it and I've just begun the journey. I'm not sure I wish to stop so soon."

Moiraine looked over at the shelter and bonfire being brought together. She smiled up at you. "Our horses need rest," she breathed out insistently.

You smiled back. "I know."

She thought for a moment. "It is not safe on the road alone, especially after sundown."

She wouldn't be swayed.

"Very well," came your light tone. You brought one leg over the saddle and the woman held out her hand. Your own shook as you held it out, thinking. You took it and she caught you when you slid down. You were very close. She was.. especially attractive. You noticed. "Thank you," you bade softly. Pushing your horse to the side, you took her to be reined with the other two.

Moiraine wasn't sure why she was so determined to keep you nearby. You'd been a shock to encounter and you were travelling alone, at night. She dreaded to think of the potential danger befalling a young woman like yourself. You'd not shied from her despite her surname being Sedai, that had been a lovely surprise. You were one of the more cheerful people she'd met on the road. Perhaps she simply wanted to protect you, perhaps she felt something more.

You helped Lan stack the tiki for the fire. Turning to your bag for a blade for the stone in your hand, you turned back to find it fully lit. You re-placed the blade in your saddle, reaching into your bag of sand for a just enough to cover your hands and you dusted it, letting the dirt do its work.


The ride toward Edmond's field was a quiet one. You weren't sure how none of you noticed the incoming flow, but you were quickly surrounded by a group of bandits and you dismounted immediately, to meet them on equal footing.

The Aes Sedai was already working to knock them down (not dead) while you and Lan fought hand to hand with the others.

Somehow, your horse didn't get the memo to run and was run through. When he fell, your sand blew over the Aes Sedai. She was rendered powerless in a moment. Your turned in shock to see her cornered by a group. Lan himself was overtaken. In a moment, your tension at the losing battle boiled over and you held out your arms. You hadn't had the chance to re-douse your hands that morning, the Sedai sticking annoyingly close.

Golden energy burst over your skin, burning the air, as the bandits were knock down and out. You stretched your arms out, shaking the inherit energy clinging to you from your hair. You laughed and looked down at the Aes Sedai.

"Wilder," she breathed.

Your smile pulled back into a smirk. "Aes Sedai," you greeted smugly, finally showing the witch your true self. 

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