My Servant, My Guide, Mine. (Hela Odinsdottir)

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Request: hey can u do a dom!hela x sub!reader where they do it in one of asgard's gardens

The princess of Asgard was more used to getting her way than any other citizen of the growing realm. After all, she was the princess. She held the fear of most of her servants and many of her subjects. Most.

You were Hela's personal maid and you were never afraid of her. You'd been caring for Hela as she'd been alive, a few years older so she was entrusted to your charge. You'd been there while she was learning her magic, making her own crown. You'd been there through the tantrums and you'd taken the brunt of many an accidental lashing out. She was young and powerful and that power was only growing.

Now, the was the crowned princess - with her own crown of course - and one of the most feared in all the realms. Her combat skill were unparalleled and any enemy she killed she could instantly resurrect and summon to their side. She was practically unstoppable in battle. And beyond.

As you said, she was used to getting her way.

Anywhere she was, you'd come looking and this time, she was looking forward to it. A slow, confident smirk stretched Hela's face as she heard your quick steps. Most people would think you were worried, but she knew you had a fast stride. You were, like her, going somewhere. She saw a flash of your clothing as you turned the corner and the tension leaked from your body. You were a bit worried.

She supposed it was only fair; she'd gotten better at hiding from you over the years, as a challenge for your mind to stay as keen as hers. And you rose on every occasion. Any challenge she had ever given you, you'd passed with flying colors. And you'd seen her grow, seen her lose control of her magic, held her as she cried, only a few years older than you. She had come to rely on you. She learned to depend on your footsteps always seeking her out at least once an hour. She loved the way you looked in your clothes and she'd adore seeing you in hers, or none at all.

Well, she was working on that. You were about to disappear again, allow her her solitude, so considerate.

Hela melted into the shadows she cast and appeared in yours, pinning you against the fountain Odin had built in the garden he'd given his new wife. She felt a bit of rage, knowing the woman was weakening her father, but looked up into your alarmed eyes and felt the world steady around her. She smiled, a sweet one reserved only for you and her father. "Forgive me, I was hoping you'd come. Waiting."

You were accustomed to Hela's emotions randomly surfacing, an undeniable side effect of so many wars, but she'd never told you a hope so personal. She had her monarchical wishes for the kingdom, and the other ones which would soon become her kingdom, and the cruel ones for those who ever harmed her or hers to flay alive and for eternity. To hear she hoped for you sparked your own foolish hope. You'd loved your princess since seeing her, learning to support her head, and you'd been in love with her since you were a teenager. Of course, she was your charge and your princess so nothing could arise so you did the best you could raising her after her mother's passing. She grew up loved, though cursed with the power of Death. "Apologies for the wait, my lady?" you guessed, unsure of how to respond.

That displeased her; you saw the disappointment in her eyes, but she still smiled. She raised one hand from your shoulder, the other still pinning you, and held your face. "Oh," she intoned, making your heart jump, "my sweet. My guardian." She stepped into you.

"My lady?" you echoed.

Hela's eyes seemed to glow as she stared down at you. She traced over every feature as if she might never see it again. "I command you to be honest for me."

Your gaze up into her own went lax at the use of 'for me'. You'd do anything for her and she knew it.

The goddess leaned down that last bit and kissed you. She released your shoulder, feeling you not relax because the bird fountain was two layered and that would hurt, but try to while kissing her back. Neither of you were very good, or experienced, but just the confirmation had Hela growling. She gripped your clothing and you felt it thin from the force, unweaving enough to snap if she yanked. "Yes?" she asked expectantly.

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