Pleasant (Alma LeFay Peregrine)

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It was the midday meal before she noticed. The children were sitting down where they ought to be, only the seat beside her was empty. She looked out at her children, calling gently, "Children, has anyone seen Miss Y/L/N?" Alma would never want to frighten her children and it was a bad idea to show she was growing upset. Where had you gone? Usually, the children kept you plenty occupied and one of the older children would alert her if you were looking off toward the loop entrance or if you disappeared.

"Not since this morning," Emma realized slowly. Her eyes searched the wood of the table.

"She went for a walk after our tea party!" Claire called out helpfully.

You'd slipped away. Alma's heart seized in her chest. She excused herself from the home with a smile and followed a shortcut to the loop entrance. She didn't want to shift into her peregrine form because you wouldn't be swayed by silent indicators. You weren't lost and looking for the Home. You were trying to leave. She had to be able to speak with you, and manhandle you if it came to it. She didn't want to drag you back nor did she wish to pull her feather and make you.

Once close enough to the Cairn to vary Alma, the mistress of her loop, moved silently. Soon enough, she heard a branch snap that shouldn't have. She turned to look left and soon heard your breathing. A smile pulled at her lips at how obvious you were. "Darling," she called softly, hearing the movement, and your breathing, stop. She fought back a laugh, perhaps this wouldn't be hard. You were frightened and possibly a bit lost, and out of your depth. "Do not do this, dear." She stepped in your direction without a sound, searching the trees for your form just on the other side of one. You were well hidden, impressively. "Come out now and I'll remain pleasant."

You thought about it for a long moment that couldn't have been more than a heartbeat. Alma kept her promises. She might be upset, but if you did come out, you'd be far better off than if she snatched you. You shook as you stepped nearer to where her voice was.

Alma's ears perked at hearing your movement. A pleased grin stretched her face, forcibly tempered when you turned a tree. She held her hand out. "Good girl, come along." You were trembling as your arm stretched to take her palm in yours. She pulled you closer, hand pressed against your back so you fit right against her.

Your fear response didn't falter so she pulled back and took your face in her hand. Your eyes were locked for as long as she held them. You flinched when she moved in, despite her never having hit you, and time froze when she kissed you. Your heart pounded differently and the shaking dissolved when you felt it. Her hand on your face traveled to the back of your head, holding you pliant in her grasp. Oh, and she was ever so pleased. She applied bruises to your neck with her excited lips and teeth.

You nearly collapsed at how she was treating you. It awed you how she could be so gentle when so upset. It only occurred to you that your submission being what she wanted at this moment when she moaned against the column of your throat, "Good girl" again.

A shaky breath snuck past your lips and she pulled away, looking up at you with dark, needy eyes. You knew those eyes. Those eyes could distract you from any plan, derail you with their intensity. And what came next, oh. You weren't going to be running anytime soon, that was for sure.

The walk back to the home was done in silence, though not peace. The Headmistress had wandering hands at the best of times, having no children around was proving something of an inhibitions removal. As you re-entered the Home, Alma directed you to stand at the bottom of the stairs while she poked her head in the dining room. "Emma and Bronwyn are in charge today, children." She returned to you and smiled quickly, taking your cheeks in her hands and kissing you hard. Her force inadvertently pushed you back and you thought it might've been on purpose as she used the space created to step up the stairs, taking your hands to pull you up behind her.

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