Violet Fingerlicks (Agatha Harkness)

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Request: I would love to read a second part where Agatha gives R lessons because that is so hot.

Agatha was every bit the formidable witch you'd predicted she would be. She was clever - and didn't use it for good - and intimidating and if you weren't scared shitless to make a move, her beauty would melt you. But you were a professional student, always watching the purple glow purely for the motions she made, so precise you assumed they were like Latin, mandatory. 

It wasn't. Magic was easier when you could see yourself pulling the strings. And it helped that the physical manifestation of magic was so beautiful. 

But Agatha surpassed them all. She was dramatic for the sake of drama. She knew her allure and used it to tease her new student mercilessly. Lessons always took place in the dark, medieval basement. Candlelight didn't provide much for your sight, but it was enough. The older witch dressed her younger in formal garb for even training. So you got to fangirl over your very own robe and you sat before the gorgeous brunette. 

Agatha towered over you, though not threateningly, as she told you about the physical manifestation. "The color of your magic can mean any number of things about you. But it's also an exposure risk." Your eyes bugged from what a big deal it was on every fantasy tv show ever. "You, luckily enough,  don't have to worry about that. You are a discreet witch, a rarity. Your magic will always be there for you, but still have to train it." You nodded obediently, earning a smirk. She reached out and traced her fingernail down your cheek. Agatha was intoxicated by how the flesh of your face molded around her firm hold. "Good girl. Did you read the texts I gave you?" 

You nodded. "I'm still working on Arthur Clarke's.

Agatha wrinkled her nose, also despising that book. "You'll get through it eventually. Now! How do I stop or change  what something was made to do?" she quizzed you. 

"Probability hex," you answered easily. 


"A general Latin hook with a singing intention."

Agatha smiled, standing a bit straighter so her bodice stretched a bit. "Something supernatural is running at you. Spell?"

"Migraine hex?" 

"Incantation?" she repeated expectantly. 

"Inflimentari Nemblem?" 

A bigger smile made Agatha's face shine. You stared at her until your eyes slipped down the column of her throat and to the fingers that rested on her collarbone. "If the headache doesn't work?"

You looked up to meet ocean blue eyes, dark as the depths, and stalled. "Um. Teleport."

"Incantation," Agatha questioned further, surprised by the plan she'd not yet taught you. Her eyebrows were raised, eager to hear. 

The words spilled over your lips, the same spell you'd first heard; the one Agatha used. 

She smirked wide, excited by your recall. "Very good. But I think that's enough classroom talk. Get changed. Meet me in the living room." With that, Agatha left, magically changing her clothes on the top step. 

You were happy to get into your comfies, finding the Salem witch on her couch with 2 books. One, you noticed bitterly, was the very text neither of you were interested in, but you'd yet to read it completely. The other was the Dark Grimoire she always read. You wondered if she had not read every page already. You walked over to the couch, standing anxiously before where she'd placed your book. You picked at your own fingers and debated whether or not to take the book to the recliner, where you usually sat to study. 

"I won't bite," Agatha droned out, as if uncaring to your decision. But she met your eyes, hers excited, with a teasing smile. "Unless you want me to," she promised.

With a shaking hand, you picked up the book and sat beside her. It was almost domestic. You cracked the spine and opened the text to your bookmark. You were halfway through the paragraph you'd tried to read 30 times now when a hand crept up your side. You shivered and started the sentence over. Finally something clicked. "Is this referring to AI?" you asked. 

Agatha smirked over at the book. "Science comes from science fiction. SciFi is often related to magic." 

You frowned at her. "So, you're saying they're the same." 

Those bottomless blue orbs gazed up at you patiently. "I'm saying science fiction, such as Clarke's work can show us what's possible with magic."

With a  slack jaw, you nodded. "Like a self-casting spell?" 

Agatha smiled up at you. "At a certain trigger. Or a person with magic... on autopilot," she whispered conspiratorially. 

You went back to it. You were finally making progress when her hand started moving again. You leaned sideways as if she just wanted a bit of space. You should've taken the chair. But she didn't stop touching you, now the leg closest to her. "Are you-?"

"Tell you what. If you can finish the book before the night's end, I'll give you a reward," the older witch proposed. She had all of her focus on you, also still on the same page of the Darkhold as when she had started. 

You looked at her over your shoulder, wary. "W...what do you mean?"

Devilish was the only way you could describe her smile. Agatha raised a smug eyebrow. "Anything from an impossible spell to a single kiss." She tilted her head and closely examined your reaction. 

And what a cute face it was. Your face got serious and your eyes immediately fell to Agatha's mouth. You swallowed and your neck was tense. You feared you were shaking as you felt and you turned back to your book. It was an impossible task made even more so. But you tried, so valiantly you did. Of course, you eventually yawned still miles from the end. It couldn't have been done anyway. 

Agatha was a dirty cheat, but she was a smug one too. "Ohh," she groaned, leaning into you right before marking and closing the book. "At this rate, you'll be with me, learning...." She was still teasing, keeping your lips a hair apart. "Forever." You could feel the slightest touch of her lips against yours from the movement to make words. "Now, come. Baby witches need their sleep."

A/N: Totally requestable reader, power-wise. I made that incantation up, BTW.

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