Stay Here (Phoebe Halliwell)

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Request: i love phoebe x reader angst. perhaps "you have to stay with me. you hear me? i need you to stay with me." maybe she gets taken by a demon while she's injured and they can't find her. and it's been months. phoebe doesn't want to give up. 

Demons were complex things. At their core, they were evil, selfish, and power seeking. Therefore, at its core, this was evil. You were stuck, stuck somewhere you couldn't see the dark.

You were with her. In essence. Your mind saw what the demon wanted you to. But it was all a little crooked. She smiled and it was beautiful, perfect. Her laugh, her arm around your shoulders, her warmth, it all fit with your memories.

Walking into P3, the symbolical place of them, you held Phoebe's hand like there was no tomorrow. She turned to you with that bright smile and that bouncy styled hair. "What do you want to drink? Then we can hit the dance floor," she teased, dragging a hand down your side to pull you as close as you would be dancing.

Oh, you hoped you wouldn't be dancing this close or you'd come right there. You were pressed all the way up against her, the clothes she'd picked out for you leaving your skin to rub against hers. It was all very revealing and not usually your style, but Phoebe wanted to run your fun tonight. You told her your preferred drink tonight and followed after her to the bar anyway, hand still clasped to hers. You smiled, unable to hold onto any negativity around the youngest Charmed One.

The night passed quickly, dancing with Phoebe like a dream, but one oh so sweet and very very hot. You went back to an empty manor and Phoebe pulled you against her, her back against the door. She kissed you again and again and you fell into the bliss, holding her face.


Phoebe was worried sick, of course. She was constantly in the attic or the kitchen. She even slept in one or the other. Her family surrounded her and tried to help, but they were losing hope and losing power. They didn't have her determination. Of course not, you were family through her, but Phoebe was the one in love with you.

You'd proven yourself time and again to the Charmed Ones, terribly suspicious girls, until they trusted you. You didn't push for the book and never pried in their personal lives unless they wanted to talk. And you had a tendency to take hits for them. You had a special regenerative power that came in handy a number of ways so you'd become quite the martyr.

Phoebe had fought tooth and nail to make you see you were more than the injuries you could take while you showed her she was more than a demon's fool. She was a powerful and confident witch and you were always there for her. She had to be there for you. Scrying was working and the potion just teleported her to your room. She looked through every page of the book, finding the demon which took you, a Djinn which fed on life and magic. It would trap you in your perfect reality, usually a wish a fool made, so you couldn't fight back and feed on you. You'd already been gone so long and as one who could heal, you were the ideal meal. And they could read minds so the demon knew attacking Phoebe was the easiest way to get your guard down. She cursed herself. Writing another spell which she couldn't finish. She couldn't focus. She wanted more days with you, she wanted to wake up beside you a thousand more times. She wanted to know if she'd ever get annoyed by that laugh. Your expressions when baring yourself to her. Your nose scrunches, those big eyes when she was speaking to your soul, your art with magic. She had more to learn from and to teach you. Not just in magic. She wanted your life and now this demon was going to take it from her. Phoebe dropped her arms onto her bedspread. "Please," she spoke into the empty room. She rocked her head back, staring up. She needed help, couldn't do this alone. "I can't lose her!" she called up to the heavens. If she was on the side of good, good better be on her side to.

Right on time, a shimmer of blue orbs flurried into the room. It was Leo. Phoebe stood up right next to him expectantly. "The Elders gave her a Whitelighter. They think she's good enough, since she's so good for you. I can find her."

Phoebe held out her hand. "Take me to her."

The man went to talk back, but he saw the look on the determined lover's face. She wanted her girl and if he wasn't going to get her, so was she. "Get your sisters."

Phoebe flinched, holding up her hands. "Good idea!" She still only had a passive power, after all. She ran downstairs, shouting all the way. Once in the foyer, she looked confusedly at the kitchen, expecting them to be gossiping about her like usual, how to help especially. This was how they could help! Where were they?

Her older sisters stepped down the steps calling back, "What do you mean?" That was Piper.

"Help how?" Prue asked helpfully.

Phoebe raced back up the steps, past them but she took their hands so they came with. All in her room, Leo orbed the trio - breaking the rules but what the hell - to a very dark and damp place.

"Why do demons always have to set up shop where it's disgusting," the Whitelighter's wife complained. Laughing, her husband went with her in one direction. The oldest and youngest were left alone to check the other. Phoebe didn't speak out of worry and determination to find you. Prue didn't know what to say. But they didn't have to because Piper shouted, "Phoebe!" is a very worried tone and they took off for the source. The middle sister was fine, but you were not.

Suspended in the air by bound wrists, the youngest sister cried to see it. She covered her mouth, but still released a loud sound. The other two sisters looked around, hoping her sobs wouldn't draw the demon. "Alright, get her down, get her down," Prue commanded, walking to help with her telekinesis. Mostly, she needed Phoebe to stop crying before they were accosted and you were still unconscious.

And so pale. On the ground or floor or grass, who knew with how dark the area was, you were sunken in pale. Your skin was bruised heavily from both bloodloss and it was worst around your wrists. Leo lifted his glowing hands to your abdomen, waiting, while Phoebe untied your hands. She held them between her own, suspicious he wasn't done. It rarely took so long for Leo to heal. She didn't say anything, hoping she was wrong.

But the man's handyman hands stopped glowing and looked up, distressed before you came around. In fact, you didn't come around. Phoebe rubbed your cheek, but nothing. "I'm sorry. I can't- she-" Leo shook his head, not understanding.

The youngest sister leaned in closer to you, brushing your nose with hers. It gained no reaction, neither did your name.

Her family pitied her. In their eyes, you were already dead. The demon had left you, having taken all you had to give, and you were gone. But you weren't.

Phoebe could feel your warmth between her hands. She saw your chest moving, heard your breaths. She kissed your knuckles and called your name again. "Wake up," she called, voice cracking. She let a finger trail the wrinkles of your eyelid. "You have to come back. Come on, baby." She held your whole cheek, tears dropping to your lip and nose. "Please. It's not real. Stay with me. I'm right here. It's not real. Come back. You have to stay with me. You hear me? I need you to stay with me." She stroked your hair. "It's not real. I am. I'm waiting for you." She pressed her forehead on yours. "Please." She kissed you. "Honey, I'm right here. Just wake up. Stay-" She gasped and jumped back, looking down at your weakly opening eyes.

You had brought your hand up to touch her. Hair or back, you couldn't fine tune your motor skills to discern, but you reached out. You looked up at her. The dream had gotten really freaky, two Phoebes arguing and you had killed yourself to keep from the chaos. Imagine your surprise when it landed you right where you wanted to be. But why were you so tired? You let your arm fall and raised it back when you could touch your girlfriend's face. "I'm here. I love you," you whispered.

"I love you!" Phoebe whispered, no less weepy. She leaned in, letting your hand on her face fall to her back. She wanted to hold you anyway. She didn't dare retreat from hugging you, but she asked Leo to take them home.

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