Pfisters Three and Mina (Wilhemina Veneble)

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It was hard, being some of the smartest people in the world. You were one of three siblings, Jeff and Mutt being your older brothers. You were all very smart, practically geniuses, and one day, you decided to make your own company. Jeff programmed computers. Mutt manufactured the could make the most lifelike features or flesh-like animatronics you'd ever seen. You came up with new uses, ideas, programs, and upgrades. Your first long-term project had been the helping hand. Aiding with simple hygiene or applying makeup, it all started somewhere. 

You started the company, the Helping Hand in the techiest lab you owned. You owned a fully paid off, hatchback van with enough space for the prototype to be manufactured. 

Rising up the totem pole, there were basic steps to begin a company. Jeff took care of the patents and you went to search for a third person who could manage you three. You put an ad in the newspapers and put it out into the world that a rising company needed its first dedicated staff ready to take a leap. It was the most mind-numbing two weeks of your life. Everyone with big plans of being famous was ready and eager to use the up and coming company as a mere stepping stone. Then came a respectable eggplant. She was older than you three, which made you wonder why she would waste her time with a new job in a new company. She was tall and ginger and a came thudded alongside her pace. 

You felt her presence long before you acknowledged it. 

Brilliant red hair shone beneath the florescence of the hotel conference room you'd reserved. She was carefully groomed and dressed very well. The cane she used was an antique and very expensive. You were impressed overall, and wondering why a creature as exquisite as her wanted a job at a robotics company. Especially one not yet off the ground. She had a perfectly stoic expression as she approached, but she allowed it to soften once immediately in front of you. Once she understood you were the interviewer, she held out her hand. "Good afternoon, Ms. Pfister. I'm Wilhemina Venable."

You remembered booking this appointment, having the phone call with the Mistress of Enunciation. "You're here for the assistant position?" 

That's when you learned to never assume anyone doesn't smile. because this hardened and expressionless hard-ass lookalike broke character and smiled in a way that might boil the oceans. "That was the plan," she teased. 

You gestured to the seat across from your chair. The ginger met you on your level, still holding her cane. "Do you care about robots?" you asked first. 

"I like order. Rules, programs, if you will." You could tell as she spoke that she was very passionate about precisely what she said. She even preened a bit under the attention. 

"Do you have any experience as an assistant? Secretary?" you interrogated. As far as you could see, Ms. Venable was overqualified for this job. While you didn't doubt she was more than capable of assisting three masters, that was not a stressor you wanted to give this particular woman. 

"Yes, both. I assure you, you will find no one more capable or personally motivated or willing to help you be your best version this company can be."

You capped your pen and leaned back, just looking her over. She didn't seem like a spy brought to steal your and your brothers' designs, but that was rather the point of spies, you knew. They were meant to be disarming and unknown. And this woman was very disarming, but with her confidence and majorly because you very much wanted to hire her. However, you knew better than to let your emotions get involved in a professional decision. "Why do you want to be an assistant, besides the generous pay?" Part of you hoped she wanted to be part of the future, another thought she wanted to get as close to the top as she could, your heart lied and said she couldn't walk away once laying eyes on you. 

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