Love is Blind (Rowena MacLeod x Shifter!Reader) NSFW

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People always fear what they don't understand. You knew that. You were used to being shot at, targeted, awed, and feared due to your ability. But this world was very different. Those who feared you here possessed weapons unlike those of your past. Most were still loud and metal, but something had knocked you out without a moment's pause and you had no idea what.

But when you'd come back around, it was slow, like something was still coaxing you back to sleep. And you felt heavy. Not tired, but weak, like you could barely life your head. Which was true, but you forced it all the same. Your brain felt like it was split in two, but you looked around.

"Good day. Or maybe night, I've no clue," came a strangely accented voice from beside you. You were slow-moving, but you eventually turned to it. A woman sat beside you, also on the cold, stone floor. Her wrists were trapped in metal encasements which were linked to the wall behind you both. You leaned back, upon knowing it was there, slow yet jerkily. You followed the line of your chins up to where they hooked to the wall. "Don't bother. The black rush and willow root take our powers."

You stared at the woman silently, not understanding the relevance of what she just said.

"What did you do to get the Winchesters after you?"

Your head fell against the stone wall you were chained to, and the chill actually muted a bit of your migraine. "Who?" you asked in confusion.

The witch stared at you, determined to force the truth out of you. She already knew it would be pointless. But more than that, she knew why the Winchesters had been hunting you. They had called the ancient witch a week ago for help. They were certain they were hunting a witch, despite the lack of hex bags, vigils, or a witness who claimed to hear chanting or a foreign language. But entire rooms were left weightless and any criminal in the path of the mysterious monster and been knocked out and concussed by a single impact. Witch was all they could figure. But Rowena didn't feel your magic, as she could with witches, especially Naturals. She felt your strength, fighting her spells on you, but no magic to power such strength. Where did it come from? "Hunters," Rowena explained simply, spitting the word like the taste was vile. You ought to know. There was no way you really hadn't heard of the Winchesters. "I suspect they were on your tail before you even realized what was happening." She took the 'poor little witch just doesn't understand' route with an adorable, pitying pout. "Do you make things levitate?" she asked curiously. Perhaps you truly didn't know of your power.

"It's not levitation," you explained very seriously. Not only did you know. "It's 0 gravity, the constant state of space just without the air-sucking vacuum. I travel the universe, dimensions, whatever, to find new places to explore, experience, live, then I move on. Each new planet has a new gravity level I can learn to apply." You slowly pushed up to your feet, clinging to the wall when you almost fell.

The redhead held her hands out as if to catch you.

"Black rust and willow root," you mumbled to yourself before a gold corset and choker glowed themselves onto your person. The choker rested atop the necklace seemingly woven into your flesh. Your shoulders slumped and your arms fell as if weights were attached to your wrists. But only the manacles remained, unchanged. You stumbled back with no cause, arms being brought closer to yourself. The chains snapped as if centuries old and brittle, but the wrists stayed youthfully strong and only brought blood to the surface, just beneath your skin. You grabbed the offensive bracelets and onehandedly snapped them off.

The ginger jumped, startling you, and jerked her wrists in her own manacles. They weren't charmed nor did the mentioned mixture affect a witch as old as her. She was supposed to spy on you, but found an innocent target of those hunter fools and her own zeal to gain their favor and soon abandoned that mission. "Wait! Me too."

Multi-Fandom One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें