Mizunderstood (Moiraine Sedai)

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Dark was all-encompasing. The literal and metaphorical kind. The sky had turned a deep, dark blue, drowning out everything but the flames overtaking your village.

You weren't the only one to flee, having encouraged many others to have some sense and self-preservation. Many worshiped the two potential Dragons Reborn and fed their ego, making them want to be worshiped.

You knew well how the Dark could twist a good heart. And the both boys were already on the slippery slope. The shabbier one exuded Darkness, but the redhead accidentally set the inn on fire. The monsters hadn't been far behind. You didn't know if the boys made it out of your village, but half of your heart hoped they lay buried in the rubble they brought onto you all.

Though some stayed to fight, many fled the town, seeking refuge far from the monsters. You ran alone. Tree limbs cut at your weak skin as you ran through the forest. You must've lost the Trolloc on your tail twenty towns past, but you'd yet to notice. The woods suddenly opened up into an open space with a road. You stopped, breathing heavily, but trying to deduce your location. It was safe to say you were far from Baerlon, hopefully near the River Haevin.

You couldn't hear the sounds of rushing water so you took your moment to calm your heart.

The heart that leapt from your chest at someone grabbing your arm.

A screech and you turned to attack the person before silver mists grabbed you, flinging you into the air. You were unharmed, but hovering high above the Borderlandian watching you. Surely he wasn't the one holding you. Men weren't permitted to Channel. Not that that did your village a lot of good.

Behind him, a woman in all blue wore a scarf around her shoulders and over her head like a hood. The same mists which held you surrounded her, connecting her to the nature beneath her. Her hand was extended and you saw the large blue stone on her gold ring.

Tensing, you regretted not being able to move. You wished to run even more now. If the Aes Sedai were coming to deal with him, you would pray for every village surrounding yours.

"Moiraine," the man said, pointing to your chest.

You flushed at the move, trying to cover yourself from them. You were merely restrained further and moved lower. In the Sedai's face, you could not move away. You were trapped between a rock and an explosive place.

Quicker than any snake you'd ever encountered, the woman reached out and snatched your necklace. You were released onto the ground and chose a really stupid way to use your freedom.

"Hey!" you shouted, surging even closer to her. "That's mine." Your hand extended to take it back when she shot you a look that froze you in place. Flinching, you glared at her hand holding your necklace. Silver focused around it, her magic circling like vultures and your necklace melted into her hand, dripping onto the ground between you. Your mouth fell open and you dropped to your knees. Your mother's necklace... destroyed. You pawed at the droplets against the dirt and a part of your heart cracked. This night couldn't get any worse.

Tensed once more, you were jerked back onto the grass, arms and legs extended and bent in ways that were deeply uncomfortable. "Where did you get that Dark object?" the woman finally spoke. She had a higher than you tone to her voice, speaking down to you like you were the scum the wheel turned out.

"That was my happiest possession. I don't know anything about the Dark," you pled to the Aes Sedai. She pulled you tighter with your magic, verging your bones to snap. You felt a burning sensation through your abdomen.

"Where! Did you get that Dark object?" she demanded more impatiently.

The fire spread throughout you, turning up in intensity. You cried out as your ribs bend against a great, nonexistent weight. "My mother," you squeaked out. You were forced flat against the ground, limbs flat and internally exhausted.

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