Fly Away With Me (Fiona Goode)

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You weren't quite sure what kind of Supreme Fiona was, but her first decision at the Academy was to take all of the student witches - all five of you - on a field trip. She eventually lost all of the girls, but the question mark - you - went first.

The first street you crossed outside the eye sight of Miss Robichaux's, you paused in the middle of the street. Not the wisest move, but you were still used to flying transportation; sue you. The burst of pink drew your attention. It was a pinprick flicking over the corner of a tall church's spire. You felt the relief of not being alone, excitement to see your old friend, and a spike of fear. Time worked strangely for your kind and all the getting lost wasn't helping. Anything could've happened to Kat, though she usually kept her head, even if she had to fight to keep it. You looked down at the dark, glittering fox at your feet. He was always there, your friend in essence, but - apparently - your people called them guardians. You wanted to know if he trusted the early indication of Kat. Nan turned to look at you. Fiona stopped, tied to the Clairvoyant. The others followed suit.

She used that moment to barrel you into the ground with a finisher you hadn't even begun. She immediately floated away, the coward. "Come out here, you big bitch!" she called, plainly taunting.

You bristled at the rude remark. Your hands formed like claws where you grabbed the level cement. You pulled yourself up. "What did you call me?" you demanded, feeling bitter in your throat.

Kat would never talk to you like that.

You stood, staring up at the blonde floating away, glowing eyes staring back when they could. She twisted and turned as she fell up and right back onto the church. You launched into the air after your eyes locked with her. She jumped, of course, and kept falling away, drawing you away.

The witches stared at the interaction, stunned. The Supreme was already to work reworking the witness' memories. She was enraptured by you since returning to Miss Robichaux's. The mystery who had revived an old legendary Wiccan acquaintanceship. An animal stayed by your side always, though ironically not right now. The dying woman watched one free flying with a dark aura, the same inkiness of your fox Fiona noticed. It was a bittersweetness, but you'd never let those feelings linger. You were a bright light even as no one understood you. Always optimistic, always coming up with more and more plans in the nick of time. You were very useful and willingly so. You didn't have to be bribed. You were much like the reigning Supreme in that you formulated your own plan and executed it. She supposed it was sheer luck your goals often aligned with her own, but that only further convinced Fiona of your similarities. And yet you couldn't predict the future in any way. 

You weren't Fiona's successor, and that made you all the more intoxicating to her. She didn't care for the mystery. You were kind to the callous, rude Supreme, not respect, though you did. Something pure saw something in the blonde's wicked heart. Call it naivety, or dependency. You weren't from Earth, after all. Maybe you wanted to secure your safety.


You were smacked back down into a warehouse. Isolated, you were relieved to find. It felt like proof she was still Kat. But you weren't alone and the blonde and her cat promptly fell, dead
presumably. Your heart ached, but the other presence, a young blonde boy, no older than 10 offered you not a moment of reprieve. He threw his arm out and threw you with it. 

You hit the wall with your foot, shifting midair. More literally than magically. You stepped down, accustomed to 'rough' landings. Moving faster than lunar gravity could allow, you warped
behind the boy, grabbing more than harming. He was still just a kid, after all. "Why are you doing this?"

He didn't respond, so unlike the arrogant boy, and instead sicced his guardian stag on you. You had to grab the horns attempting to cage you in or puncture your skin. Taking to the skies, really you just flipped over the animal, using the telekinesis you'd learned at Miss Robichaux's to disperse the celestial particles holding the Guardian. Having no one to protect it, it was nothing to deal with.

You landed before the now scared little boy, not pitying the egomaniac. "It's over. Never even started. You have no idea who you're dealing with."

"No," came the high pitched argument. "It's you who doesn't understand." Puffing out his chest, the little king taunted, "You had the greatest society in the universe at your back and you left. For some backwards, toxic planet that can't stop killing each other for their own good."

You were irked to be condescended to by a pretween no matter how ageless your species was. "Because, obviously, we're so much better not fighting amongst ourselves," you mocked. "And this planet might be backwards, but they'll help someone else purely because they see someone in need. And that seems right side forwards. So, yeah, I'll defend the people who can be just as cruel and wicked as us. Their ruin is short-lived because they shine so bright that they flare out." You didn't tell the boy who couldn't understand the prospect, but you had a particular Earthling in mind when making this speech. She could be so cruel and vicious, especially when defensive. She was strong and kind, even if she hid it. She was the Supreme, and so complicated, but you couldn't even stop looking at her. 

The little boy truly didn't understand anything he'd never experienced (which wasn't much thanks to royal staff) and he didn't care for earned loyalty. Standing proud at his whole 3 foot height, he held out his hand. You stared him down in disappointment. The King tested his power, though it wasn't really a test as you knew he would fail. Unused to being powerless, the boy seemed to think he could summon his strength without his guardian. Unfortunately, for him, very few of your kind was capable of such power. 

You suspected your gifts were due to your relationship with the Supreme. You didn't think she could bestow powers, but what did you truly know? You sent the boy flying back to Eto with the flick of your wrist and sent yourself back to the coven by falling upwards then towards it. Slipping in through your perpetually unlocked window, you felt for the bed and the pajamas you left folded on your bed. A sudden light illuminated your sightless bedroom and you noticed the attractive blonde sitting beside the lamp. "Miss Goode!" you greeted in sheer surprise. 

A slow smirk made Fiona into a goddess, rather than her usual mere transcendence. "Now, now, little thing. Let's drop the formalities. You got hit hard enough to crack pavement and you're still standing. I'm assuming the aggressor is handled." She tilted her head so her hair cupped just under her piercing cheekbone. 

You clasped your hands in front of yourself, unsure of how to act around the Supreme despite previous interactions. "For now," you still responded. You obviously found her attractive and Fiona was the cat in every chase. She made jokes and played games and showed off her power so really you were helpless to but be attracted to her. 

The sex idol (like Marilyn Monroe) stood up from your chair and sauntered over to you. "Delia told me your whole sad story. From another world, centuries old. And now you've defended this coven before we even sensed the danger. You're a very interesting... shifter." Now the tall blonde stood directly before you, seemingly towering over you. "I want to test something, with your consent, of course."

Speechless and drowning in her scent, you could only nod. 

Fiona smiled, victorious over you. Centuries old, and you were as ensnared as a man. She slowly raised her hands to hold your face. The most powerful witch in the world saw everything and she sure didn't miss the fire lit in the expanding darkness in your eye. She smirked, enjoying her power as usual. Leaning in, Fiona could feel the power radiating off you. Even among your own, she was certain in your skills' superiority. True to the deduction, Fiona felt your power fill her up, your youth shared between you. She felt better than she had in years and, pulling away, you looked just the same. Fiona smirked, falling a little in love. 

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