Irresistible (Moiraine and Siuan)

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Moiraine was paranoid. And suspicious. Of everything. It was oddly endearing. You laughed every time she glanced over her shoulder subtly, re-reading the room. You rolled your eyes at how she compulsively double-checked every little thing. It was amusing when you weren't involved. The way most things were.

You were used to being on the outside too. Looking in was your eternal standpoint. Until this blue-clad, mysterious, kind-hearted witch turned up in the village you lived outside of. Men were coming, marching in another war as there always would be. She helped you defend the innocent's from the homicidal scouts then you both convinced the villagers to flee, hide in another town until the men had passed.

You had no doubt some of them would never return. What you hadn't known was that you would be one of them. You could channel, as Moiraine called it. Your hands often lit up as did the air when you got emotional. But you'd done well to control it. You didn't need to study at their Tower prison. But, still, the Blue was drawn in.

She'd attempted to convince you to join her back in her home, failingly until she mentioned you were permitted to keep your Power a secret. With a sigh and a glimpse at her stubbornness, you were drawn into a week-long trip to Tar Valon.

It was one step forward, two steps back with this woman and you were slowly being driven mad. You were close after the attack on the village, comparing techniques in hushed tones. You'd talked through the night a few times before setting off. You'd tried to continue in the vein, making jokes she and her Warder laughed at. That first night on the road, you'd again been up late together, to the point where Lan threatened to sleep and make you both keep watch. You'd leaned into her with your laugh.

Realizing the action, you looked up, feeling quite exposed and just a bit raw. She looked down at you for a long moment and you almost had hope borne within you before she looked away. "Lan's right. We should rest. We do not know when the opportunity will present itself again." And she turned away.

Something inside you cracked and you felt snubbed. Suspecting you'd read the signs wrong, as you were wont to do, you stood and moved to where you slept that night.

That had been three days ago. Moiraine was rushing your small group with all the strength inside her. Lan was more than accommodating. You, being the little Wilder shit that you are, decided to slow her down by continually going missing. You strayed from the path, wandering into the thick of the woods to search the herbs. It never took Moiraine more than a few minutes to find you, due to a tracking Weave placed out of caution. But that just prompted you to wander more. The moment her eyes were off you, you were gone. It was hilarious. She was so freaked out.

The bitch locked you in the inn room she'd gotten you.

You huffed, lifting your leg again. You slammed your sole into the door again, watching your Power follow the movement. The wood rattled, but stayed firm. Growling, you turned to the room, seeing the sturdy pitcher of water by your basin. You lifted it in your hand, slamming it at the window. The pottery shattered against the already cracked window. You kept spinning, flinging your bed against the far wall. The solid wood didn't even dent the thin wall. Your heart was wild in your chest, sending your brain into overdrive. You were called Wilder for a reason. You chose the life of not the Aes Sedai. You couldn't stand being trapped. Or stuck. Or unable to leave a specific area. Certainly not with permission. The air was finally thick with your Power's visage. It charged suddenly, ready to shatter the inn, the spell, Light, the town if it would get you out of there right now. The door behind you opened abruptly as you finished your spin to face it.

Moiraine looked appalled by your behavior, wide eyes exploring the room. She looked at you with a firm face, clearly about to scold you, but it didn't last very long because your foot came back up and kicked her in the abdomen. She flew back, into her Warder, and you raced out of the room before either could recover. Your legs were faster than her One Power. You made it into the open, shadowed space, before groaning out a few sighs. Your heart slowed bit by bit. You placed your forehead in the grass, grasping at the dirt beneath. Your hands clasped into fists around the soft ground. You let out another sigh, feeling the ground take your excess Power, agitation floating away right along with it. You were breathing shallowly and quick, but you were breathing again soon enough.

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