From the Flame to the Phoenix (Established Myrtle Snow)

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Myrtle Snow was a complex character, but at the same time so basic. She was powerful and clever with her execution of that power. Seemingly a bit mad, you found her to merely be cultured. Most of what she said made sense once she explained. Dressed in couture and dramatic, one only had to maintain observation to see how much like everyone else the ginger was. She was raised into magic and so was of course a master at its comprehension. Not naturally so powerful as to stick out, Myrtle began teaching at the very school she was taught at. Choosing to have no children of her own, she was very maternal toward her charges. Because of her hair and personality, she'd been bullied by her generation's Supreme which followed her into adulthood. She despised lies due to the gossip from her youth. It all made sense to you, even before you'd gotten to know her. 

Myrtle met you in a psychiatric hospital and she convinced you you weren't crazy. It was a debate, considering the source. But you'd walked out a little angrier at mortals, especially those in denial at what you had both seen. You stuck to Myrtle's side after that, and even the Council had come to terms with your presence. Now, you typed the report. Ms. Snow's apprentice became very commonly aware of, but in private, it was a different story. You were both currently in New Orleans, though you weren't allowed to explore. Myrtle had divulged that this was where the coven, the school, her school was, but you weren't allowed to visit. Apparently, no one knew you two were even in town and it was supposed to stay that way. That was fine by you. 

But Myrtle may come to regret that decision. She'd been staring at her wall of photos of the Supreme, her not-entirely-former bully for yours. While you knew the power of that mind, you couldn't see her thoughts. She was plotting and investigating all at the same time. And you were bored. That did not justify this woman shouting your name when a window was opened, clearing the wall. 

"What?" you chirped innocently. 

Perhaps too innocently, because Myrtle leveled you with a stern glare. You knew better than to put much, if any, stock into the obviously faux anger. Once she saw the corner of your mouth lift, the wiser woman broke her own act. "You know I'm focused." 

With a nod, you walked over to her. "You've been focused for hours. Got a plan yet?"

Myrtle let out a big sigh, vindicating your belief that she needed a break. "Fiona is the Supreme. The only plan can be to weed out the next, and the only place to do that is from inside the coven." 

Winding your arms around her from behind, you looked up at the stalker collage re-placing itself on the wall. You toyed with her necklace from this angle, sometimes her hair or shirt too, but the most important placement was your chin on her shoulder. Myrtle raised one hand to hold your unoccupied one. "Then why are we staring at a bunch of pics about the current Supreme?" You idly kissed beneath her ear, eyes still locked where hers were. 

The Councilwoman shook the hand she held. "Because!" Despite her eternally calm persona, Myrtle's voice was textbook angry. She was still gentle with her touches to you, but you suddenly felt her frustration in the air. "Young Madison Montgomery - a carbon copy of Fiona - has gone missing right when she returns. I know she's killed for power before, I know it, and I'd bet my Balenciaga gown she's done it again. Of course she assumed the next Supreme would be just like her. Well, for the sake of the coven, we had better hope she's wrong about her succession." All worked up, Myrtle was breathing hard. Her eyes were alight with such fire, you feared her lenses would magnify it. 

You swept her crimped ginger locks over one shoulder and kissed the base of that tendon. You didn't bother trying to hide your smile this time when she fake glared over her shoulder. "It's done, my love. Her actions are in the past. How do we find her successor?" you tried to call her back to the present. She went to stare at the wall again, but your grip on her chin put a stop to that and drew her back to you. You released her chin to trail down her nose. 

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