Just For Me (Rowena MacLeod) NSFW

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A/N: In honor of my 21st last month. I would've written it then, but I couldn't think of what I wanted. Rowena would know.

The whole week was filled with internal excitement. I hadn't said a thing about it besides my annual reminders to my brothers not to make a fuss lest I remove their favorite appendage and shove it down their throat. Not another soul knew.

That was a small consolation. Until I awoke. The space beside me was empty, I could feel, prompting a concerned frown. The sheets were cold, but not the peasant wet sort to feel in the morning. I sat up and looked around. "Ro!" I called out one time before pulling the corner of my comforter. My feet had just touched the cold, hard wood when the bedroom door swung open. And there was my ancient Enchantress. She has a tray of food, likely room service, balanced on her arm. I frowned. There was no way Rowena made the food, but the thought warmed my chest the slightest bit.

Rowena threw out her free arm. "Ye cannae leave ya bed!' she insisted The tray in her hand wobbled precariously.

I heard her words, but the delicate balance of the liquids and food threatening to tip over made me want to help because that was just who I am. I leaned further out of bed, supporting my own weight on my tiptoes.

A sharp Scottish word was barked from my lady's mouth and I looked up at her. The woman had a glare that could freeze Death, and I knew exactly what it took to kill him. I gulped at her displeasure. She re-stabilized her tray and pointed to the bed. I rocked back and landed in the spot I slept in. All anger faded from Rowena's face, a nifty little trick I was sure she used in full knowledge of its affects, and I practically 'puppy-dogged', as Rowena called my shy side. I didn't dare move again; Rowena had another trick to guarantee I couldn't if I wouldn't. All too cheery, Rowena pranced over to sit by my feet. I moved them closer to myself so she could. Her gazillion-watt smile somehow brightened another million watts and I was helpless to any plans she seemed to have. She set the tray between us and I took in the massive selection. Tea in Rowena's cup took up the corner of the tray, massive, fluffy pancakes and waffled reigning over the main plate. Sweets and fruit to top them surrounded the tray, eggs potatoes, sausage, bacon, crepes, beignets, and other exotic and local food filled the plates on the tray. A large pitcher off-set the weight and that was obviously Rowena's highest hope and several other, smaller cups were filled with juices, mils, and other drinks. Ro busied herself with prepping the food.

"What's the occasion?" I asked, a big one to me flashing in my mind.

Rowena put a napkin on my lap and stabbed a cut up piece of waffle. She dipped it into a cup, earning a strange look from me until it came away sticky. She held out the fork. "You," she answered simply.

I wondered if she somehow found out, but quickly dismissed the thought. The boys were too scared of me to to tell Rowena of all people. I reached to take the fork to, you know, feed myself. The redhead pulled her arm away and pouted. I stared at it for a moment before it worked me down and I deflated. My girl brightened again, though, and help up her arm to feed me. Blushing faintly, I opened my mouth.

"Good girl," Rowena mumbled firmly.

A whimper crept from the far back of my throat and I slapped my hands over my mouth.

But Rowena was elated. Her smile had too much pull over me. She held up a strawberry. "Eat up, wee lamb."

My hands remained over my mouth. I shook my head, hating her all-powerful control over me with a few words. Well, hating it outside the bedroom.

The witch's face fell stern again. "Wee girl," she started to scold.

I couldn't stand even the start and dropped my hands, diverting my eyes.

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