I Know You Feel It; The Shift (Larissa Weems) NSFW

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Usually, once you and Larissa got going, nothing short of Armageddon could pry the 2 of you apart. But you'd been considering something for some time. You just couldn't bring up something sexual when you weren't in the bed. 

But, now you were. You hovered over the pliant blonde laying on her back. One of your legs was trapped between hers, grinding upward into where she needed it most. You felt, just on the other side of the wetness spread all along your thigh, her throbbing core. It wept more and more for you as your thumb rotated against her clit. Your lips and tongue closed around her nipple, smirking at the sounds falling from her lips. 

Larissa had no control over herself, her hips bucking wildly as she chased her relief. You wanted to ease up to have this conversation, but if she agreed, edging her was a poor idea. You bore down on the shapeshifter's bundle of wound nerves. Her voice rose 5 octaves, but cut off halfway through. You worked her through her orgasm, apparently bringing her higher halfway based on the next 3 octaves. You hoped the dogs couldn't hear her. Bringing her down was easy, speaking lowly and touching her face softly. Your thumb grazed her bottom lip, spreading her own slick like a lip gloss. 

You trailed your fingers - the dry ones - down her blonde hair, awing that you had the privilege of witnessing the woman before you. 

Eventually, Larissa's eyes uncrossed enough to open and she frowned in concern. "Did I do something wrong?"

You frowned in your own horrified concern. 

"You never stop after 2."

You did have a habit of overstimulating her when she was, for once, under you. "No, no. I just wanted to talk about something with you."

Larissa tried to scoot back to sit up, but her jello legs refused to obey. "You want to talk during sex time." She looked around for something to grab onto. "I did something." 

You laughed, cupping her face to still her. "You're so much like your students." You kissed her, further smearing her tarnished make-up. "You did nothing wrong. I just have an idea." You savored the taste of her lust, sucking on your fingers. 

That shut your sequoia up. You had many-a bedroom idea, and most of them left Larissa panting. 

You bit your bottom lip out of nervousness, even as Larissa's gaze burned a hole through you. "I-" You twirled some of her wrecked blonde locks, your spit keeping them curled. Funny, for someone who'd thought about this conversation so much, you were unprepared to start it. 

Larissa reached up now to cup your cheeks. "What is it, darling?" she asked kindly, though her face showed her excitement. 

"You're a shapeshifter," you blurted out. 

Her over-worked features lost all excitement, enthusiasm, all positivity. She laid back, entirely despondent. If you didn't know Larissa, you'd have missed the tell-tale signs of her tears. Her face turned away from you. "Who do you want me to become?" she asked flatly. 

Rage boiled up in you. Usually, her trauma left you enraged at the perpetrator, but she really doubted you. Your fingers closed around her throat, holding hard. "The only person I intend to see in my bed is already in it," you growled out. She looked at you again, sapphire eyes wide at your display. "And if you haven't figured that out by now, I'm in the wrong relationship. You clearly don't know me so we shouldn't even be in a relationship, hmm?" 

Those eyes so hard and cold in the daylight were regretful and horny now. She was terribly shocked by your actions and helplessly turned on. 

Your eyes had a fire of their own in them, as you took over wearing the pants between you two. 

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