My Darling Doll (Agatha Harkness)

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Request: Could you possibly write a yandere Agatha x mortal reader? I neeeed more Agatha. My addiction...your writing 🫶

A/N: I went really dark with this yandere, but nothing explicit. Some PTSD. Major mind control. 

Much of every day life bored Agatha to tears. The tedious minutiae every mortal concerned themselves with and overwhelmed themselves with, then found ways to tune out of.... It was a never-ending cycle. Except, of course, Agatha's mortal. You were the sweetest, smartest, and yet ditsy-est. You didn't need Agatha, but you needed her. 

And she'd needed you. You lived with the brunette, not that she'd given you much choice, and you were happy. You were happy with her, Agatha had made sure of that. Mind control was almost effortless with a weak-minded victim. It had been delicious to find her love was of course superior, especially in the mind, but you'd shied from her and she couldn't have that. Not to worry for the experienced witch though, because - as expected - a few days without food or light and you were blank-slated a  a baby. Mind control and Stockholm was a beautiful thing. You'd been eager to please before and, once she was someone to you needed please, the rest was history. 

A beautiful thing, curled up beside her, head buried in Agatha's bare chest. If it was warm, you could sleep forever. So, all the ancient witch had to do was roll onto her back and drag you onto her front to get her favorite view. You looked so peaceful where you belonged. Smooth features, none of the anxiety that had first let Agatha in plaguing you like in the day. A reflex pulled your lips up into a smile, and Agatha almost wondered what you were dreaming of. But she knew, of course. She made your dreams, an automatic connection to her daydreams. And she dreamed of your future together while staring at your peace. An eternity with one anchor for her to bring you back to, a home for Agatha to practice what she pleased and for you to be pleased by. 

Slowly, you stirred awake. Your legs ran along hers as you stretched, front pressing against hers as you arched. 

Agatha couldn't help herself, hand trailing your stretching limbs. 

Bright purple eyes popped open to gaze up at the witch. A sleepy but automatic smile lit up your face just like Agatha liked. She was just as pleased to see you and you glowed together. You yawned then settled your head back on your love's chest. "Bread or fruit this morning, my love?" you offered softly. 

Bright blue eyes slipped shut with a pleasant hum, cold hands wandering the expanse of your back. "Both," she laughed out. 

You immediately rose from her, another reflex. The witch frowned, wanting to selfishly pull you back to bed, but you got upset when she tried to stop you from the chores she'd programmed into you to keep you from getting bored. 

You set about breakfast, focused but with love, and was done in 20 minutes. You had it all set up and on a bed tray, but when you turned around, she was up and dressed like a witch. She was planning a power upgrade again. "You got out of bed!" you complained. 

Agatha smiled, though confused. "Whya would we risk the sheets, doll?" 

You looked disgruntled. "It's our two year anniversary."

It felt like a real relationship, Agatha instantly prepared to dissolve into apologies for forgetting. How could she forget? You weren't even allowed to. Not that you would. Your anniversary was a muli-milestone. It was the day you first met, your first date (your abduction), and your first kiss. Agatha would have to wake you up specially in celebration of tomorrow's anniversary. 

Agatha didn't know she had a conflicted expression, blown away by your unintentional surprise. You couldn't surprise her with anything else. So how did she miss this? 

You slowly set down the breakfast tray. "But I know your magic's important to you." Your eyes lowered too, distancing themselves from the moment. 

"No!" Agatha stepped closer to you, a wave of purple putting her back in her pjs. She took your arms. "You're important to me." She cupped your face, but your slowly welling eyes still wouldn't meet hers. 

"I'm sorry," you squeaked out, voice small if you could even use it. You shook your head, all of you shaking as you feared returning to the dark room. You weren't even hungry but you should eat in case she starved you again. Tears fell and your mind wiped. 

Agatha held you close, shielding you from the world, protecting you from even her. Her hands glowed where she gripped your head. Neck bent, she whispered a bit of Latin to further reset your upset. 

You shut your violet eyes, purging themselves. "I don't even know why I'm crying, not crying! Why aren't I crying anymore?" you sobbed, wiping your face. Soon, even your throat was soothed from your emotions. The purple of your iris got deeper, more solid, and you relaxed, face blanking. Like a game resetting, you opened your eyes and you were both on the bed. You let out a gasp, for no reason in particular, and quickly saddled up beside her. You cuddled into her side just as you did in your sleep. You picked up a strawberry, dipped it in chocolate sauce, and held it up to Agatha's mouth. You smiled up at her zealously and she smirked back down mischievously before biting the food, touching your fingers with her tongue. You both shuddered in lust and stared at one another. Neither of you could imagine a better way to spend forever. 

"Thank you, doll," she bade before sharing her taste with you with a kiss. 

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