A Tale-less Dragon (Moiraine Sedai)

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Power was not given to the deserving. The One Power either lived in a person or it didn't. No one is born deserving that power. Earning comes later. What you do with your Power.

And you... ignored it. You pushed it and the thought of it deep down, so far away that you hopefully, eventually, forgot about it, and it would stay forgotten. You went out into your hidden, idelic village... and ignored it. You did your chores, your part, and ignored it.

Then, that day came. The day before it wouldn't be ignored. The Two Rivers was a serene home, the perfect home to remain calm and keep your secrets. But the Aes Sedai were not the sort to be ignored. When she an d her Warder showed, the tavern silenced. The Wisdom took charge. Still witless anxiety overtook you. You stayed close to the least noticed man in the village: the local thief. You acted as a couple, a mutual agreement for you both to slip any tourists' suspicions. Only, now you knew you could be a target. You knew you had something to hide from the experts in magic and combat. A deadly combination.

Soon enough, the visitors returned and you excused yourself once they were too far to hear.

Beltine was the next day and that was spent at home with family. Of course, you didn't have family so it was spent up the mountain, all by your lonesome, grieving your parents and praying for their speedy return. That was unlikely. You didn't really believe in past lives, but even if you did, you last life couldn't affect your present. You decided to skip the ceremonial dinner prior to the lighting of the lanterns. You stood between the shining beacons, watching the skies far away.

You couldn't attest to how long you stood out there, but thundering steps distracted you. You turned around just in time to see a massive furry with tusks trundling toward you. You managed to duck and spin away just before it brought out a sword. Trollocs had their own poison and it took magic to cure it. And you didn't know how. You were only just dodging blow after swing after attack and soon enough, it cost you your balance. Your feet got tangled and you threw your weight to dodge again, but found your footing on your ass. Your leg kicked out to push you back and you did a quick pat-down to discover you were completely unarmed. Well, not completely, but you were ignoring it, remember? The ground didn't help you escape and the monster hot on your tail just wouldn't slow. Without you realizing it, a silver mist swept you up and threw you backwards. You landed hard on your behind and it throbbed, but you were alive. The force threw you on your back and your eyes caught the dark coat of the Warder of the Aes Sedai. More precisely, your eyes caught on the blade handle sticking out of his boot. "Can I borrow this?" you asked, though you really didn't have the time for it to be a request. You took the knife from his boot and rocked up onto your feet. You brought your arm back, the extra distance buying you seconds at best, and narrowed your eyes in focus. You didn't see what the Warder trained to recognize. Power fused with his knife as you exhaled a calm breath and flung the knife. It buried itself between the thick flops of its protective skin, sliding right in the sensitive gap of its throat.

A resounding thud like a tree falling left the pair of you breathless in awe. You slowly stepped over to the beast and extracted the blade. It remained between limp fingers as you looked down in pity. Were trollocs born? Were they turned from the Wheel like all else? Should you bury it? Your nose pleaded the answer be o. Your heart screamed you'd want an enemy to do the same for you. Did trollocs deserve less?

"There will be more," the Warder finally spoke. He watched you curiously.

"I hope not." You looked up at him in shocked fear.

"No,more are coming. They are being led by one of the eyeless." He held out a hand, obviously encouraging you to follow him.

"A Fade?" you asked, now very worried. "W-why?" The Two Rivers was a safe place beyond ward. So it had been for this entire Age.

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