Four Times You Hated the Sonic; And the One You Didn't (13th Doc)

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It was a warm day. Very warm. You were nearly on fire, you felt. But you could have sworn you were in the TARDIS. Yes, you remembered making it back to the TARDIS before everything went wonky. You'd stepped inside and the walls swirled, fireworks went of in every corner of your vision. You'd fallen....

That sounded like an illness. Were you poisoned?! You sat up quickly, your head spinning like Dorothy's house. Eventually, you tipped to the side, landing in your own new realm. The floor. It was very cold, you thought. Not a breath later, you were shivering. Despite the cold of the floor, you still felt ill. So, with the determination of a Doctor's Companion, you pushed on your arms. Your head went wonky again and you stopped, nearly swaying into the bed beside you. It wasn't really a bed, you noticed. It felt more like those rubber stuffed, paper covered beds at a doctor's office. You opened your eyes to confirm and looked to the side. That wasn't a good idea. You fell sideways, softening your blow with your arms folding. It was definitely a doctor's office bed.

You pulled your arms beneath you and pushed once more. You let your head stay down and pulled yourself up to lean on the bed. You moved to the door, wandering out into the first open space you saw. You looked down the dark hallways with a rising dread.

How did I get back on the ship?

Now you remembered! You'd been on a ship, taken hostage when an alien medical examiner came in, eager to study a human. But then, of course, once his preliminary studies were done, he wanted to study your autopsy. Perfectly reasonable, inn'it? He'd sedated you pretty well, and it worked fast, but it just made you feel like shit. You weren't compelled to sleep so you got the IV out, headbutted the jackass, and ran for it. You'd found the Doctor just as she landed and you got inside.

Did I hallucinate her finding me? It was really perfect and that totally wasn't how she worked.

So you stepped down a dark hallway, hand out to help you find an available turn, and there must've been sensors because the lights came out, showing you the way down the halls. Interesting... It looked like the TARDIS. Were you still hallucinating? The walls did shimmer in a decidedly unnatural way. Even for the TARDIS.

The lights were quite dim and you followed them down to a fork and you went right. Possibly not the best idea because your instincts told you right went deeper into the ship. But it might take you to the bridge, control room, whatever. You needed a teleport or something to get back to the planet. You needed to find the Doctor.

Oh, your Doctor. She was a wild thing, so untamable, working like lightning. Oh, how you wished she was here. Not even to rescue you, but you felt calmer with her by your side. You'd been together for a minute, a few reciprocated rescues, and you knew each other's moves like instinct. She'd protect you and you'd protect her. She lightened you without even trying, it seemed. And she seemed calmer around you sometimes, like she was allowed to breathe and be herself without fear of judgement or reproach. You were eager to know every piece she'd give you. It actually surprised her, you thought, how much you retained and could build off of with a few questions and a piece of gossip from her past.

You turned a corner and the lights went from low orange to harsher blues. The color itself did little to grant extra light. Orange went a long way. Blue seemed to have it's own shadows. Your eyes struggled to adjust and your weird night vision hadn't come on yet.

Footsteps sounded behind you, fast footsteps.

With a spike of fear, you shifted to the left, slotting into a side corridor. But your coordination seemed as bad as Ryan's with your illness clouding your mind. You tripped over your own feet and fell sideways.

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