Seeing You Forever (Moiraine & Siuan)

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The Amyrlin Seat was cursed. With power and isolation. Siuan Sanche had been burdened with mystic dreams since her ascension. She disregarded the expectation which said she could not know love. It was her love that roused her from the terrible weight of the seat. She and Moiraine both held countless duties and had many responsibilities. They both had dreams they had to surrender for their callings. They wanted to travel, be free. Instead, Siuan ruled and, for 15 years, Moiraine searched; she did get to travel until her Mother called her home and commanded her to teach. 

Little did they know, this calling would soon be fulfilled. 

The Tower was a bitter place, you found. The Novices were little more than slaves. The Accepted wasn't much better besides being able to command Novices and having more power. You were an Accepted; one of the oldest to ever study at the Tower. Most of their girls came as a teenager and were full sisters by the time they were fully grown. 

You had displayed such power that a Yellow had brought you to the Tower and presented you to the Amyrlin. So many Sisters had been stunned at your power that it was insisted that you stay at the Tower, study as the oldest Novice in the history of the Aes Sedai. For that, you were ridiculed by the students: called Bloomer for how late you discovered your powers. You didn't care for the opinions of power-hungry adolescents. You'd discovered your powers long before that Yellow you. You just wanted to be left in peace. 

You were incapable of even traversing the halls without drawing stares. Of course, even the Novices felt they had the right to bully you. Not that you were truly affected. But as an Accepted, with your hollow Serpent Ring, you were aware of more than you saw. So the hateful little girl trying to spook you from behind ended up plastered to the wall with her grievance against you burned into the hem of her dress. You passed the Seating Hall just as your next enemy attempted to ambush you. This girl was a part of your introductory class and you'd progressed mere days before her. She made the mistake of believing she could conquer you with her Power alone. It was loud and obvious, but perhaps only to you. Ricocheting back and forth between walls, it was aimed straight for where you were walking. All you had to do was stop walking and the weave barreled on, breaking open the large set of doors to the active Seating. 

It was all called to an immediate halt and the Amyrlin Seat stood to glare outwards. "Who dares to interrupt a Seating with irate emotions?" she demanded. 

You looked back on your little enemy. She looked guilty, so you didn't need to say a word. 

"Enter, then," the upset Amyrlin called her in. With the wave of her hand, you were dismissed, trying to suppress a grin. 


Many of the students thought it would be an honor to join in on a Seating at their point in their education. How wrong they were. She was sure to tell her student sisters how she was forced to participate. From binding to execution, the brat held the weight of the collective One Power channeled by every Sedai in the Seating Hall. She was still sore and exhausted and she was warned she would be punished for real if she ever did what she did again. 

You were in an odd position at the Tower. You didn't have the usual chores, since you obviously differed from the others. They cleaned the floors, fireplaces, dusted, and served the Aes Sedai their food. You... tended to the Amyrlin Seat, who the other girls now knew to fear. It had been considered a reward or favoritism, but Siuan had taken care of that. You were more pitied that night, leaving the students living quarters to clean the Amyrlin's space. You didn't mind these responsibilities. But that night, you would initially pity yourself. You detected nothing amiss as you entered the massive set of rooms where the Amyrlin resided and began to pick up after the usually clean woman. Once the garbage was disposed of, you began picking up clothes. Odd; she never undressed as she walked. Even more odd, there were two sets on the floor. Picking up the linen, you were startled by a low moan followed by a giggle. You turned and found your Amyrlin going down on Moiraine, one of the most well-known of the Aes Sedai. You gasped then turned away, knowing the sound would draw attention. "I am so-"

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