Don't Let Me Get Me (Agatha Harkness)

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Request: Could you write jealous reader x Agatha where they get into an argument about Agatha spending so much time with Wanda?

You were sitting in Agnes' illusion home, on the couch you didn't pick out together, stewing. You were in this house, a witch pretending to be cursed just like Agatha. So while everyone else was mostly bound by the curfew of sundown, you were left awake and alone. Agnes was off with the star of the show, reciting lines like a good little doll. The pulses of your adrenaline cracked in time with the fire. You wondered what they were doing. The show was family friendly so you had nothing to dear as far as infidelity. 

That didn't mean you didn't miss your wife. Ever since coming to this literally accursed city, you had been in the background. Apparently, you didn't look like a main character to Wanda and Agatha asked you to stay far away from the unknown witch for your own safety. But she was always up Wanda's ass, complaining about her spouse, a man with a made-up name be damned. The point was you were alone. 

Even now, cameras mostly off, you were alone rather than cuddling or loving with your wife. To be quite frank, you weren't interested in either just then. 

Yet your wife still walked through the door with her nigh perfect timing. "Oh!" she sighed in sheer relief. Her calculating depths were drawn to the lamp and she paused at you in the chair Wanda had given you, which you hated, a drink in your hand. "You're still up," Agatha noted. 

"I made vows, one of which was to wait for you, always. I kept mine."

Blue eyes flashed dangerously. "What." But you didn't answer, earning the attention you didn't want. Agatha stomped up to you, holding your jaw. "You chose to begin our time together with an accusation-"

"You expected me to be in bed so clearly you wanted no interaction at all," you snipped back, freeing your chin. 

The older woman wore the pants between you both, but she didn't want to displeased with her. After a deep breath,  she tried to take the high road. "What happened?" 

You ground your teeth. "You've been gone for forever," you mumbled under your breath. You hated to sound childish or needy, but you were only speaking the truth. You gulped down the rest of your drink. 

Agatha settled onto the couch, patting the space beside her. "I'm working," she tried to excuse herself. 

You sat up to refill your drink. The other witch was both regretful and pleased to see you drinking. You never did it, making this a rare sight, but you didn't drink because you didn't like to drink. You only did it when miserable and that was the brunette's pain. "You'll finish this witch and find another. One day, I'll be your work and you'll have two witches to replace." You took a sip. 

"I would never," the woman tried to argue. "Where is this coming from?"

You put your glass down, empty. "Before we came here, you swore that French granny would be the last mark. Just like you swore you'd never draw off me. Power... is just too much for you to resist. So go suck the little ginger dry, make her your wife and you can just have your cake and eat it too as she recharges," you sassed with a heartbroken smile. 

Agatha gaped at you. Fed up with the distance, the violet witch stood up and walked back to you. "I would never choose Wanda over you. Any argument would be a death sentence."

You huffed out a failed laugh and turned away from the brunette. 

But she reached out to you, letting her illusions fall. It was a risk, showing yourselves among Wanda's time travel sitcom. But it felt like home, staring into the darkened eyes of your Dark wife's witch form. Her hair was a medusa like size, worse in the way of chaos. You hoped the camera being off meant Wanda couldn't see Agatha's tainted fingers, up to her second knuckle. She brought those knuckles down your face. "That... child can neither control her emotions nor decide what she wants. She's reckless and indiscreet and I could never look at her if you were around while I'm... working." The confident woman carefully settled onto your lap. She was cautious of your ire and persuaded your forgiveness however she could cheat herself into. You wouldn't look at her pout yet, but you twitched to her every touch. "I know I get focused, but with this girl's power, I won't need to steal magic ever again."

You shut your eyes, having heard that before. 

A fingerprint on your chin lifted your face to look up, meet Agatha's apologetic expression. "bear with me. Wait for me. I love you," Agatha tried every trick in the book. One of her hands held you by the back of the neck while the other traced your face and lips. Her dark digits were cold, but she was so certain. "Let me show you how much I love." She twirled the tips of your hair with her fingertips. 

You pressed your lips to hers. "Just hold me," you pleaded with her. 

Holding your face, Agatha kissed your forehead. "Come over to the couch, then," she ordered, getting off you to do the same. She wasn't sure if she should be offended you chose cuddles over sex. 

You did follow her, her little spoon. The layers of Agatha's dress was like a massive throw blanket and her hold was just what you needed right now. "I want to go home, Aggie," you whimpered out. 

Those dark fingers combed lovingly through your hair. "I know. I'm sorry. I'll finish this tomorrow, if I have to kill everyone in Westview to draw out her power." She kissed your head again and that was all you needed to relax into her, drifting to sleep. 

Multi-Fandom One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora