Come Back & Stay (Sally McKenna) MILD NSFW

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TW: Drug abuse, death. It's Sally, ya'll.

When you were young and stupid, you fell in love. Sally was your world, the dangerous, older, and sexy woman your father always had over. You weren't so dumb that you didn't know what she did. Still, you hadn't cared. 23 and in love, you followed Sally around like a puppy around LA. You never imitated her or your father until one day. 

It was shit. Work was being unreasonable, and rent was due, which you didn't have, and the skies opened into a torrent on your way to meet her. You ran across the sidewalks of Los Angeles, soaking your socks to match your scalp. Ducking into the entryway, you shivered and wrung out your hair. You saw the ginger already at work and winced. "Sorry, Miss Evers. Didn't mean to make a mess," you apologized, feeling horrible for increasing her workload. You certainly knew how it felt to have it all piled on. 

"Oh, dear. Water is so boring to clean up is my only complaint." You could never be sure if she was being serious or not because of how dramatic she spoke. 

You also weren't sure if you should believe her so you just kept going, looking for Sally. As predicted, she sat at the bar, surveying the customers for potential customers. Her brown eyes immediately found yours and she lit up. An eager, greedy grin glowed beneath her pink lipstick. She'd redo it later once she got her hit. Waving you over, Sally moved in her seat, squirming excitedly. You smiled at her antics, despite your foul mood. It still festered in your chest as you approached, but you tried to kiss it away. You usually got lost in the blonde. Tonight, she felt you weren't feeling it. Leaning back, Sally saw from the look in your eyes that you weren't mentally in the Cortez with her. Frowning in concern rather than get insecure because she knew you, Sally touched your face. You had been together for some time, and she'd been around with your father for even longer so she knew she had your complete adoration. Nothing captivated you like Sally. "Ooh," she cooed, "where'd you go, babe?" She tapped your chin twice with her two fingers. 

You shook your head and found yourself back with Sally. You clicked your tongue and winced, winding your arms around her neck. "Oh, I'm sorry, love. Work was..." You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut again. Looking at Sally, allowing her to captivate you, you stepped into the woman. "I don't want to talk about it - I don't want to think about it. I just want you." You leaned in for another kiss. 

Your girl let you, but it still didn't stick. You were unnaturally aggressive. Sally stubbed out her cigarette and held you close and by the hair. She pried you off of her and took in your desperation smugly. "Come with me," she coaxed low in her throat. Taking your hand, Sally stood and led you to the elevator. She never imagined you'd been one of her visitors to room 64, but she felt you needed what she could give. "You're so battered and low, my little love. Let me make you feel... high." From teasing your neck with her lips, she finally kissed you straight up. Now, you were intoxicated by her. But Sally was experienced in entrapping prey 

It was rare for you to party like this with Sally. More commonly, you were around her when she did. You tended to avert your eyes, but Sally was more than her drugs. She made beautiful music and you occasionally duetted it. When she went a few days without, you got to take care of her through her sick times. A few times, she was clean for months, and it was great. You could just be together and laugh, sometimes drunk, and that tended to lead back into the dope, but it was a beautiful masterpiece, Sally, and you loved her. So much so that you kept coming back to that shithole you constantly told Sally she deserved better than. Until one day, the police outside actually meant something. You usually tried to give the tragedy a passing glance, but it was difficult depending on the crows. But as you passed the alleyway next to the Cortex, your eyes jerked sideways, and you saw the puddle of blood. Blonde hair stood out, frayed and crimped. 

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