Redemption (Brooke Augustine)

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It was strange, the way life went sometimes. You were quiet, knew your way around checkpoints. You were never screened, but everyone thought you were. You slipped through the cracks of the DUP's meticulous web across Seattle. No one raided Seattle. Too arrogant to believe they could have missed a Conduit right under their noses. And you were connected to everything. So you knew when another Conduit was in town.

He wasn't that hard to track down, actually. He learned to zip around town, leaving obvious marks behind him and then tended to fly around with a bunch of holographic angels. He led her to the other two, who you just watched in silence and from afar. You'd gotten sloppy and accidentally hovered just out the corner of a camera's lens.

You caught your footing and turned the corner, none the wiser until the DUP showed up to bare down on you with everything it had. You had to pulled the biggest blow of power you ever had and you were officially on the watchlist as "more dangerous" than Delsin Rowe. You scared them by slipping through. You were more than capable of handling yourself, but the boys needed training... desperately. Eugene was an easy fix, games with multiple positions to be jumped around. He hated Madden, but he soon learned to control all of his angels at the same time so they weren't just flying around like over-powered hummingbirds.

Delsin... was a bit more distracted. He was constantly off to save the world one way or another. And he was soo sloppy. You got him into the blueprints for DUP modifications, live plan-changes, and he flies up to every camera to destroy satellite towers and take apart busses.

You had the most evolved power out of you all. If you could think it, you could make it. And sometimes, make things happen. It was hard to explain and neither boy had this particular trait. Delsin was all for it and he even grabbed your arm, but he received nothing. You suspected you needed an adrenaline rush from both of you to sync up your bodies enough to transfer your powers, but you weren't going to tell him that.

Stuck in the dark for fear of conflict, you helped Delsin gain Augustine's power and trap her in her own element. You made the perfect cage for her until the Conduits you all could scrap together made the decision on what to do with her.

You expected them to demand her death. It surprised you when many came to her defense. While Curdun Cay was no palace, they weren't injured. They'd been safe with their own kind. It was suggested that she needed help and training... like they had.

"No!" you barked back at the man with the pointed noise.

He held his hands out, appeasingly. He watched the holograms materializing around you, flickering into existence while energy simmered off of you like any other Conduit element. The woman behind him watched with learning eyes.

"I refuse," you settled firmly.

Delsin held his hands out to Brooke Augustine, who's hands were bound and locked, but was otherwise free and in her own clothes. "Someone has to watch her."

"Eugene," you offered. There were only so many Conduits you trusted trusted.

Delsin gave you an even look.

You tilted your head. Okay, fair. "Fetch."

"Fetch knew her in the prison. She'd not unbiased."

You stepped closer to him. "Neither am I! I've been running from this bitch for seven years," you explained loudly. "I have no kindness, no sympathy, no patience. She tests me, she dies."

Augustine started at the implication that she borne that kind of fear and hatred. To see it close up, her own kind shying from her even when she was powerless. It was the kind of power she needed in the military, not around young Conduits she made afraid.

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