In It Together (Amazon Eve)

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To be a freak was a curse, but you were always bound to find someone like you in the world. And sometimes, they'll find you. Elsa Mars didn't have a birth defect herself, but she had assembled some of the most kind and wondrous freaks you had the pleasure of calling your family. And Elsa was your mistress. This band of freaks coalesced in a production known as Fräulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities. The show had it all: a bearded lady, a tall woman, a tiny lady, a pair of conjoined twins, a boy with four fingers on each hand fused to one another, a strong man, a man with deformed arms who had tattooed himself and more. There was a half a woman and you, the one with no spine. You did lots of gymnastics, pretzeled yourself a thousand times, and even hung on a large ribbon suspended from the ceiling. You fit in every sense of the word. Everyone else was a freak, just like you, and no one treated anyone like one. You were just yourselves together. You were family. 

But this family could only come out at night. Few of you got to explore so openly so you and Eve, two of the most normal looking and protective performers in the group, you took the restless few on an outing. Ma Petite was, as ever, in Eve's arms so she could feel tall. Pepper held one of your hands and Meep held Pepper's free one. Suzi dragged herself alongside. It was a sweet outing and you eventually drifted to walk directly beside Eve. The tall woman towered beside you, but her hand brushed your forearm. You hardly  considered the impulse before you followed through and took her hand. 

Eve paused, stunned, then looked at Ma Petite who smiled knowingly. The woman, like all of you, was used to the world not accepting her and she assumed like all you freaks assumed, you merely tolerated her. But Elsa's freaks were some of the most compassionate and you truly didn't seem to mind Eve. 

You bothered no one, but a medium sized group which stuck out like a sore thumb was sure to draw attention and not the good kind. And sadly, a group of four men could easily overpower you all, except Eve. "And what's this rag tag group? Bunch of escapees from Briarcliff?" one mocked. 

The others chortled like a posse does and you wondered if these "men" were actually a bunch of schoolboys. "You know very well about our show. I've seen you in Madam Desiree's crowd three times now." Your hand securely in Pepper's, you tried to march right on by. 

Two boys ran to cut you off and Pepper jumped on impulse. They laughed cruelly. "I'm not one of those," the first man insisted. 

You had an equally cutting comment, but Eve put a hand on your shoulder. She resumed her stance directly beside of you. "We would never imply, anything of the sort. We're just trying to circle back to camp." 

Eve spoke, but the so-called leader only had eyes for you. Then his eyes slid to Eve's hand, still touching you, and the small girl in her other arm. His lips spread into a sinister smirk. "Freak's gonna freak, I guess. Get 'em," he ordered in a suddenly very dark tone of voice. 

The other three tried to subtly surround you all and then lunged. Pepper let out a fearful scream, dropping to the ground with Meep. Eve caught one of the men's faces, throwing him back. She immediately went for the leader. You bent backwards, spinning to face the people you were protecting all the while dodging a blow. You raised your leg and kicked your attacker's backup. Coming up fast, you headbutted the man. 

Eve came back to stand with you, defending your flock. "Guess a freak's gonna freak," she sassed right back at him. Ma Petite was still safely in her arm. Pepper had your hand again and you brought the other just over Eve's bust as that was the highest you could reach comfortably. 

The men staggered to their feet, humiliated and sore, before stumbling away. 

You brought both of your hands, and the ones you held, up and kissed them all. You held who you saw as your little ones. All of you were littler than Eve. 

Pepper was shielded by her fists, balled in fear. "Home," she croaked out, grasping tightly to one of our hands. 

Your face softened at the show of trauma. "Oh, darlin'. We don't have to. We only have a little more to go before we always turn around." 

Two fingers sought out your chin, raising your head. A viscous red fluid stained the crevices, the indents of her skin. This woman attached to that hand was Eve. "No.... We have to go now. You headbutted him wrong, hon." 

You wrinkled your nose at the implication of your deficient combat skills, but the move hurt. 

Eve laughed kindly. The group all went back to camp and the Amazonian - through title only - led you to your caravan. You expected her to stay at the entrance until you were in and then disappear as you or she always did when escorting the other performer to their trailer. It happened more often between you two than should have, but it harmed no one. But the tall brunette followed you inside, on your tail like she feared you would fall, and she knew your safe space well enough to get to the first aid kit before you. And she didn't take any notice of your glare, or she pretended not to. The room was comfortably quiet as you obeyed Eve's orders which, so far, consisted of you sitting patiently. When she sat in front of you, you were struck dumb. She had her knees pointed in opposite directions, her curls falling loose from the fight, and she held your arm in a firm hold. Oddly knowing blue eyes held your gaze with an even odder expression. You could tell through her eyes that she was having an emotion, but you couldn't identify it. Eve pressed a warm rag to your nose. "You're lucky it's not broken." It sounded like a scold, but she was being perfectly gentle. Not just with her care, but she regarded you with a softness in her eyes that made you soften. She slowly cleaned your nose and you hardly felt her touch. "But that was very brave." 

You felt your face warm and reached up for her hand holding the rag. "So were you. You're always brave." 

Eve blushed and she held your hand holding hers. She clasped yours in both of hers. "I'm bigger than anyone who wants to hurt our people. I'm stronger than Dell. I win fights. It doesn't take any bravery for me to fight. You're skinnier than Ma Petite, and you fold for a living. You astonish me." 

Her words stunned you. In a world of normal people, you were a freak. Amongst the freaks, how could you stand out? The same way Eve had to you, you supposed. You raised your free hand to hold Eve's face. Both of you sitting, you were finally at the same height and you leaned in to kiss her. Neither of you were good at expressing your feelings with words, but as Eve kissed you back, you knew she understood and felt the same. 

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