Give My All (Miss G) NSFW

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Request: Can I request Miss G x reader? Obvs dark and yandere miss g. Something like it being her first time and r's first time too. Maybe it starts out with her being super insistent, like she wants to be with her so bad that she can't hold back anymore and reader is uncomfortable at first (but attracted) and eventually it becomes consensual. (Bonus points if she's extra possessive like biting/marking her or spitting in her mouth bc omggg 😫.) Thank uuuu!

The girls of Miss Matilda's Catholic School convened every morning for mass and choir. They all stood in tedious rows, singing the hymns in their books. This was where Eva Gribben first saw you. She was a slight thing, dark hair cut short at her neck. Her jacket was always open, always flowing, and she wore pants where most girls wore their assigned skirts.

She was a rebel and a revolutionary. She had all these ideas of travelling the world and she had you wrapped around her little finger. You both read so many books about abroad and the adventures others had already had. You imagined them most out on the diving platform by the lake.

"Do you suppose we could swim to the Amazon?" your friend asked excitedly, looking out at the water.

You thought for a moment before shaking your head. "No, it would take too long and you'd never know which direction you're going. And the Amazon has dangerous creatures you'd encounter on the swim there. We'd never make it."

Eva gave you a big toothy grin, hovering over your sitting form. "We could make it," she insisted naively. "I'd just ride you." She pressed forward and suddenly she was kissing you. She reveled in the heat rushing to your face, warming hers. You were just a sweet little thing who had no idea what she needed. You wanted to travel the world just like Gribben, but you were so delicate. Though physically out-sizing Eva, she had the larger presence. A stern voice and you just rolled right over. And kissing you was like holding the sun. In the palms of her hands, where no one else could see or touch it. You were her personal sun and she could never let you out into the more-frightening-than-school world. Despite you being hers - no one else's, no one can touch you - she kisses you every time like it will be the last. Crawling into your lap, pressing more and more against you, nails digging into your back to keep you close.

The best way to deal with the pain in your back was to go limp in her hold so you did. Slowly lying back, you hoped she'd remove her nails from your skin. She did, hands planted beside your head. If she had her way, they'd be exploring and striping you down so she could see everything, touch everything.

But you got squirmy while so laved your throat with attention. It just turned her on more and she wanted to pin you, take your wiggle from you and make you arch. "Wait, wait, Gribben," you forced her to stop with her surname. You usually called each other by their last name, but she knew this made it more serious to tell her to stop.

Eva sat up on your hips. "Alright?" she asked hopefully.

You nodded, panting. She was in a similar state, but she chased the feelings you shied from. You sat up with her, scooting back. "There's no rush," you assured her, smiling uncomfortably.

Eva nodded and sat where you were reading. She even picked up your book, pretending not to care about what just happened.

You got to your knees, laughing. "Now- now, give me that-" You reached for the book, but it was moved away just in the nick of time. "Gribben. Gri- Eva!" you laughed out. Every time you reached for it, she pulled it in a new direction. You were soon enough crawling all over the diving platform, wrestling over the text. You fell over her, finally grasping the outer edge before gasping, "Got it!" victoriously. You were now kneeling over Eva who kissed at your neck again. With a surprised breath, your knee slipped over the edge of the platform, hips stretching as it fell over the edge, you soon following. You felt your momentum roll and you chucked the book you'd have to pay for - or your rotten parents would have to, serves them right - over toward the stairs. You screamed as you fell, hoping you hit the water and hoping you didn't get wet.

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