I Was Blind But Now I See (Cordelia Goode)

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You heard her screaming and felt the terror rush your veins. You hadn't gotten to know the Headmistress of this fine establishment much, but you certainly didn't wish for her to die. She had gathered you all.

She kept screaming, and you all were already halfway up the steps. Zoe got to her door first, pulling, but it was locked. Nan slammed on the door. You really wished you had a telekinetic right now. It was hell, standing by the door, listening to terrified screams, knowing there was nothing you could do besides shout your calls to a woman who couldn't respond through her terror and her interaction. You tried though, slammed against the wood until your shoulder could take no more. You tried to pick the lock, tried to pry the hinges, melt the lock. You used every ability you'd gathered over your tutelage and it did nothing.

You were finally invited into the room and you ran for the woman, shirtless and screaming, under her desk. You dropped to your knees and skidded to her, still speaking, never stopping trying to assure her. "Miss Foxx. It's okay. He's gone. It's me."

The woman reached for your hair and face, silent but no less distressed. She heaved desperately and you just kept talking, one of your talents.

The other three witches came back upstairs from obviously banishing the spirit Zoe had tried to find Madison with. Nan came over as well, likely having felt what Cordelia did.

Cordelia reached for you both in a frenzy, her breath hitching back up. She croaked your names, recognized you, but it was too much input for her.

You weren't much among these witches, but you brought yourself together now. The coven had been one shit show after another for weeks now. You faced the others with a faux-confident smile. "Go. I can handle this." The other two left with little argument, but the clairvoyant wouldn't be fooled by fake faith. You just touched her shoulder, showing you trusted yourself with her even if you worried. Nan left as well. You faced the still panting Headmistress. "Hope you don't mind," you whispered. You looked up at her, forcing back your emotions and doubt. "Miss Foxx," you tried calling again, but she was seriously freaked out and very defenseless. You dragged her blanket over to you both, wrapping it around the blonde. "Cordelia," you whispered, trying another tactic.

Her breaths deepened and her blue orbs finally moved to you, finding the face between her hands.

"You're safe, Cordelia," you tried, hesitant, but hoping.

She nodded, hands lowering to your shoulders. Her breaths came in more normally now. She called your name back. "Thank you." Hands found the ground now, preparing to push up.

You brought your hand to the top of her head in case she didn't listen, but you explained. "You had to hide, Miss Cordelia." This felt better. "We have to crawl out from under here."

Cordelia forced another deep breath, nodding. She held your arm and followed as you crawled. She was half grateful she was still in her pants and not her nightgown. You rose to a squat, leaving your arm low for your Headmistress. She rose beside you.

"Your bed is about six steps behind you," you explained, being generous in case she took shaky steps. You were right, holding her waist to help her feel more secure as she turned and walked.

But she made it and took off her pants. "Will you get my dress hanging in my closet?" she requested.

You eyeballed the room, wondering how you were supposed to know which dress- Oh, the see-through nighttime one. You grabbed it and left the hangar. When you came back, Cordelia was covering her bare chest. "Oh," you squeaked, diverting your eyes quickly. You held out the dress, inching closer to her so she would feel it.

The older woman laughed at your meekness. Her fingers accidentally touched yours as she took the gown and she gasped as she saw gentle flashes. No dark secrets did you keep, but you hid your eyes from her, only seeing her when you thought she didn't see you. And she hadn't. She felt your feelings, the blooming crush you tried to quash, secondhand and it was a sweet turn to her seeming abrasive new power. She saw you drop your gaze to the wedding ring she no longer wore any time you felt your imagination ran too far amok. And she'd have been inclined to agree, when she thought her husband was perfect and loyal.

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