Believe (Piper Halliwell)

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Request: Reader comes back from the future to warn piper about something that happens to her to save her. "you have to believe me piper." reader says crying. "please. you have to." Piper frowns and puts her hands on reader's face. 

It was hard for Piper to let people in. From the day she'd become a witch, she learned not even her loved ones could be blindly trusted. But she excelled at witchcraft as she did everything else. She led her family with grace and confidence, but love was still lacking. Her curiosity began when she got good at potions. Of course, she had to had supplies next. That's when she met you. 

You were a witch, not nearly as powerful as one of the Charmed Ones, and you ran a shop that seemed to be odds and ends, but Piper could see the magic. Particular herbs and crystals stuck out to the practicing witch, though it wasn't until your first demon attack that Piper got to know you. But you were a regular, a good witch and Piper had the means to test it, and you were a part of the group. Though not of the Power of Three and if you had a place in demon hunting it was behind the scenes or as bait. 

Over time both you and Piper developed feelings for each other. Piper still wasn't sure about moving on. Yes, you weren't a demon though you could become a warlock, but she had always been uncertain and slow to progress emotionally. You were invited to the house often, because  Piper enjoyed your company, and it was almost like you lived there. You knew the kitchen just as well as the Charmed One and helped her with potions. 

"Are you sure there's no such thing as a protection potion?" Piper asked, skeptical. 

You laughed. "Well, you can make a fire immunity potion or an energy ball deflection magic, but nothing that covers everything." Out the corner of your eye, you saw the brunette pouting and pulled an instinctive smile. "Can firemen prevent car accidents? Can SWAT keep a headshot from killing the victim?" you asked, comparing it to something she understood. 

Piper tilted her head sideways. "I guess not." 

"There is no way to ensure no danger," you asserted, dropping some herbs into her pot. "You know, I could get you a cauldron or at least a magic resistant pot." 

The middle sister was wandering around the kitchen, putting up clean dishes. "No. Way. If anyone saw it, we'd be busted for sure." 

You smirked. "I just don't know if it's safe to brew a vanquishing potion then cook supper." 

Piper put a teacup on the counter next to you, pouring you a cuppa. "I can clean," she debated. 

You rolled your eyes. "Sure, demon flesh comes out with dawn dish soap. Just like laundry detergent." 

That seemed to get through to the more powerful witch. Her brown eyes bugged at you. She had lost more than a few blouses to demon guts. She understood Prue's love of demons who vanish when vanquished. "Drink your tea. Bring a magic pot home. We'll keep it in the attic." 

Your head bobbed in confirmation. You knew you won. Drinking slowly, you turned to check the time. "Oh, I gotta go or I'll be late." You set the cup back down, hardly touched and made for the laundry room/back door. 

The brunette glared at you knowingly. "You're your own boss. I'm sure you can be late." 

Smirking, you pulled your jacket on. "I dunno. My slave driver's anal about punctuality. She might dock my pay." 

Piper scoffed, but the argument died on her lips. You were gone. Looking at the foggy pot, the witch threw in some peppermint to help later. You told her that got rid of the taste, but apparently not demon germs. Bottling fluids, she let the pot soak and took the vials upstairs. But of course nothing is so easy and a bright flash of light blinded the walking time capsule. She raised a vial threateningly, aware that the glass breaking would be her only defense and this potion wiped mortal's memories like Whitelighter dust, you said. Whatever a Whitelighter was. 

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