Home (Charmaine Diyoza) NSFW

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You were sitting on your hip in the garden with a young girl sitting with you. She was practicing her earth skills and you were teaching her, begrudgingly Pike's best student. You'd actually been training to be a teacher when the Ark returned to the ground.

You smiled up at the proud child. "Nice work. Go grab me a shovel. So remember, only three seeds per hole."

Hope hopped back over to you, handing over the shovel. "Copy that. Three. Can I bury them?"

You smirk at the child. So confident, like her mother. "Mh-hmm," you approve, watching her count carefully.

The domesticated terrorist walked from the home, gathering the food she planned for dinner. "New plot is looking good. I want those tomatoes."

You laughed. She'd been saying that for 3 years. This year was the driest yet, and you'd picked the best season for it. "I know," you sang softly, looking up at her from the land.

Diyoza shared an intimate look with you and you looked away quickly. "Hey. Who's hungry?" she easy moved. Diyoza was used to your mood-swings by now. She knew you felt guilty to pursue any relationship while Abby hadn't even realized you were gone yet.

"Let me guess. We're vegan again!" you quipped to clear the tension. You needed to take care of this, likely after your next dive. Diyoza was only too happy to get physical and you had a sneaking suspicion she wasn't going to let you get away with pushing her until she passed out then sneaking off this time.

"Only if you're not in the mood for my jellyfish etouffee," Diyoza quipped back.

You smirked, enjoying the banter. Hope was still learning the ins and outs of playful interaction. Most of her comments you found too adorable to appreciate her quick tongue.

"Jellyfish and chips," was one example.

You could do little more than smile at her, finding her endlessly cute, before snorting at Diyoza's excessive agreement. You 'tsk' and point at them both. "I yuh both beat. Peanut butter and jellyfish." You pointed your trowel down emphasize.

Hope laughed dramatically.

Diyoza watched your interaction. She smirked propping her basket of vegetables on her hip. "Jellyfish pot pie it is. Come on. Earth skills before dinner. Tante's gonna teach you how to sew," she added remindingly.

You nod, knowing there's no escape. With an indulgent smile, you wave your hand high, waving her off. "I'll be right behind you. Just finishing up with my rows."

Hope hopped up and raced after her mother.

You desperately tried to dissolve into your gardening. You had to be capable of this being an only viable option of life. And the last thing you wanted was for Diyoza or, God forbid, Hope, to notice you yearning to escape. But you had to warn Abby, to help Clarke. You loved Abby, but you opened your heart to the other person against your will. Abby had been easy, comfortable; Diyoza was the type who could have you dizzy in one second then all business the next, still teasing through work. Abby was all professional; Diyoza made your head spin. You were knocked out of your thoughts by a passing shadow revealing a running pursuant. As was your instincts now, you tensed before recognizing Hope trying to train. You caught her and picked her up. "Hey, what are you doing?" You jutted your head to the side to make sure Diyoza was inside. "She'll hear you."

"I'm training so I can help you save Clarke and Abby."

You and Diyoza hadn't known what to say about your relationships so you'd only left it at Clarke and Abby were important. And, of course, the stories. "My darling, they don't even know I'm gone yet. Six years for us is like that," she snapped, "for them."

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